Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 835 Luo Qingyun looks like a fool, but he is actually shrewd!

Chapter 835 Luo Qingyun looks like a fool, but he is actually shrewd!

The steward was slightly surprised, and then smiled and said, "Mrs. Ye said this, your poppies shop is located diagonally opposite our Tianyi Pavilion, how can you not know each other? We are neighbors!"

"Is it?"

Shen Qiqiao stared at him up and down for a while, and felt familiar.

Suddenly, she seemed to think of something, her eyes showed a clear and vigilant look, and then she suddenly said: "So that's it, hehe, we are all neighbors, um, I don't know if neighbors come to consume, is there any discount?"

The corners of Cui Guanshi's mouth twitched, the smile on his face was very difficult, and he said to himself: You are too philistine, why do you ask for money as soon as you open your mouth?This style... really can't be seen directly!
But who let this woman have anything to do with the master, Cui Guanshi could only sigh: "What kind of discount does Mrs. Ye want?"

"Half price!"

A slightly mature male voice sounded, and Shen Mu looked at Cui Guanshi diligently with a smile.


Cui Guan was careless and almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, half price?Can you be more ruthless?

Shen Qiqiao was very satisfied with his younger brother's performance, but she scolded him calmly: "Nonsense, how can you be so rude? Is this half price still let people do business? This manager, I'm really sorry, I This brother is too stupid!"

"Ah? No, it's okay, half price is half price..."


Shen Qiqiao's eyes widened, and she couldn't help touching her face. Could it be that her beautiful face had fascinated him, otherwise how could she agree to such an unscrupulous price reduction?
Of course, this was purely Shen Qiqiao's imagination.

But she already had a more accurate guess in her mind.

Since the steward agreed to half the price, Shen Qiqiao naturally wouldn't refuse, and everyone had a good meal together before going back.

Back in Ye Mansion, Luo Qingyun stepped into Shen Qiqiao's room.

"Luo Qingyun, do you still have rules? Come in without knocking, just in case, just in case..."

"Well, what if? I clearly heard you flipping through the account books. How could you be changing clothes?"

Luo Qingyun smiled, with a mischievous look, as he said, he handed over a bowl of anti-fetal medicine: "Take it, don't get angry, when you get angry, it's easy to move your fetus, um, don't you think your belly seems rounder than before? Got some?"

"Have it?"

Shen Qiqiao was successfully distracted by him, and reached out to touch her stomach, not to mention, it seemed to be really, a little bulging.

The heavens are merciful, this baby finally knows how to grow up a bit, so she won't think it's a fake pregnancy!
After delivering the medicine, Shen Qiqiao saw that he didn't leave, so she knew there must be other things: "Tell me, what do you want to ask?"

"Who was that middle-aged man last time?"

Luo Qingyun put away his hippie smile and put on a serious look.

Shen Qiqiao's heart skipped a beat, did she finally notice it?
Don't look at Luo Qingyun's ignorance on weekdays, he is a skinny person who likes to make jokes, but if this person's thoughts are meticulous, he is definitely no less than Ye Han!

They are both inconspicuous, no wonder they can get together.

Shen Qiqiao didn't answer, but Luo Qingyun said to herself: "I went to investigate. That day, the owner of Yige was surnamed Qian. He was captured by Northern Turks when he was young, and was later rescued by King Yongling. On that day, That man came in, and it was the owner of Tianyi Pavilion who came out to greet him..."

When Luo Qingyun said this, he suddenly paused, his eyes filled with astonishment and horror: "Could it be that he...he..."

(End of this chapter)

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