Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 836 Li Zhiqing's Predicament

Chapter 836 Li Zhiqing's Predicament
"He's a psycho!"

Shen Qiqiao didn't let Luo Qingyun say the last half of the sentence, fearing that he would scare her, but in fact she was almost scared.

Luo Qingyun put his hand on his forehead, his forehead was covered with sweat, what did he do that day?To actually want to stop that God of War prince, and even want to fight him?

Hey, he almost got into trouble!

Fortunately, he bounced off directly.

"I, I, will I offend that master?"

Shen Qiqiao rolled her eyes and glared at him: "What are you afraid of? Ye Han and I offended him early on. If there are too many lice, don't be afraid of itching. It's fine!"

Luo Qingyun thought to himself, is it really good to compare that legendary prince to a lice?

But after thinking about it again, what a high-ranking figure the prince is, how can he pay attention to their existence like ants?

Well, he will definitely not remember what happened that day!
"By the way, Brother Luo, the wounds of the people we rescued last time are almost healed, but the toxins in the body have kept them unconscious. When will you be able to make an antidote?"

Speaking of these two months, because of the imperial examinations, Shen Qiqiao was busy with the imperial examinations, and the wounded person who was brought back was handed over to the servants to take care of them, and they didn't pay much attention to them.

Luo Qingyun was unable to prepare the antidote for a long time, so that the other party could only fall into a coma.

Fortunately, he has the instinct to swallow food, so he won't starve to death.

Mentioning this matter, Luo Qingyun's expression was slightly gloomy, a little apologetic: "Oh, I'm ashamed to say that when I first saw the poison, I thought it was simple, but after careful consideration, it turned out to be a bit complicated.

The poison is constructed from multiple poisons, and there is a certain order between poisons and poisons when they are prepared and released.

I had to prepare the antidote in the order in which each poison was added, and if one antidote was put in the wrong order, it might kill him! "

"So complicated?"

Shen Qiqiao's eyes widened.

"Yes, it's complicated, sorry!"

Luo Qingyun showed a sincere apology.

"It's okay, you think about it slowly, I'll ask the servants to take care of it more on weekdays."



It was half a month before the release of the rankings, and this half month was the most difficult for most candidates, especially Li Zhiqing these days.

Disturbed mind.

His Li family is a good small family in Fenglin County. His father is in business, and his family is fairly well-to-do. Now he is only 19 years old, so he doesn't need to work so hard.

But just at the beginning of this year, the family suffered great changes. My father originally got a big business and went to Changhu County to negotiate in person. After the business was negotiated, he was killed on the way back. He didn't know if he was alive or dead. He just heard from the servant who escaped, The master was captured by a group of masked men in black.

His father was the pillar of the family, and when he disappeared, the entire Li family went into decline. My mother went to the government to report the case to track down his father's whereabouts, but after several months without success, she was heartbroken and sick.

The grandparents were not in good health, but they also fell ill.

Li Zhiqing stood under a sycamore tree, in front of a small lake with a bright mirror, dazed.

Shen Qiqiao was going to the side room with Luo Qingyun to see the unconscious man, and happened to pass by the rockery in front of the lake, and saw Li Zhiqing who was in a daze.

The two were slightly taken aback, each in astonishment.

"Brother Li, what are you doing?"


Li Zhiqing came back to his senses, saw Shen Qiqiao and the two, quickly hid the sadness on his face, and forced a smile: "It's nothing, just look at the scenery!"

"Oh? So engrossed in looking at the scenery? Brother Li, don't lie to me!"


Li Zhiqing's face turned red.

(End of this chapter)

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