Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 839 What did you see?

Chapter 839 What did you see?
Luo Qingyun prepared the antidote the next day and gave it to the mysterious man.

That night, the man woke up.

"Thank you for your life-saving benefactors!"

In the west wing room, Shen Qiqiao, Luo Qingyun, Li Zhiqing and others were all there, and the first thing the man did when he woke up was to salute everyone to express his gratitude.

Shen Qiqiao stretched out her hand to help him up: "You're welcome, speaking of it, we saved you out of selfishness, because we want to know what happened in Changhe County?"

As he spoke, he motioned for Luo Qingyun to fetch a jade pendant with the words "Nine Gates Grottoes, Tianzihao" engraved on it.

Fan Zhonghan is a middle-aged man in his 30s. He is not handsome, but he is also decent and good-looking. He glanced at this token, and coughed violently for no reason. It can be seen that this token has greatly stimulated him.

Shen Qiqiao brought him some tea to moisten his throat: "But what's wrong?"

"No, it's not!" Fan Zhonghan shook his head and waved his hands, "I just got excited when I saw this jade pendant. This is the number of the cave where I was imprisoned."

"Huh? Detention, number?"

Everyone present showed horror, and vaguely felt that they had captured something.

Fan Zhonghan said: "Yes, the reason why Changhu County is called Changhu is because there is an endless blue lake in that place. The lake is backed by mountains. In the mountains, there is a very hidden grotto. And we are imprisoned there!"

"Then, where is the grotto!?"

Li Zhiqing was very excited, rushed up and grabbed Fan Zhonghan and said excitedly.

"Zhiqing, don't be like this, calm down!"

Jiang Yifan dragged Li Zhiqing back, and quickly apologized to Fan Zhonghan.

Fan Zhonghan waved his hand and sighed, "It's nothing."

Then he swept away the crowd and said in amazement, "Did you guys get arrested too?"

Li Zhiqing clenched his hands into fists: "Yes, my father..."

"Brother Li's father was attacked by men in black in Changhu County and disappeared. We suspect it has something to do with it!"

"Oh, that's probably why... Most of them are foreigners, because foreigners are missing, so it's hard to find out! Of course, there are also people from Changhu County, but they are not from the vicinity of Changhu, but from the state. A small town on the outskirts of the county."

"I know that the missing persons will not attract too many people's attention."

Li Zhiqing gritted his teeth and said, hating the Nine Gates Grotto to the bone.

"Then tell us, what kind of structure is in the Nine Gates Grottoes?"

"The Nine Gates Grottoes, as the name suggests, is to enter a natural underground grotto with nine entrances. Inside the grotto, there are nine huge grottoes in the southeast, northwest, and middle.

The Nine Gates Grottoes where I live, Tianzihao, is a grotto called 'Tian', where the guards are heavily guarded, and it is usually difficult to escape. I also escaped in the chaos when someone robbed the prison. "

"What exactly is there?"

"As far as I know, what I saw was refining all kinds of weird poisons, such as the terrifying poison that manipulates people's hearts. And we are the testers of these poisons. However, when I escaped, But I accidentally saw in the grotto with the name 'Xuan', there are, there are..."

When Fan Zhonghan said this, he hesitated.

Shen Qiqiao realized the seriousness of the matter, and poured another cup of tea for the other party: "Tell me, tell me what you saw and what you know!"

Fan Zhonghan hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "I saw that there are a lot of armor!"

(End of this chapter)

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