Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 840 This matter involves a lot!

Chapter 840 This matter involves a lot!

At night, the stars were submerged in thick dark clouds, even the moonlight was blocked.

In the darkness, a bright candlelight reflected from a room.

Then, someone knocked on the door and entered the house.

"Brothers and sisters, what are you thinking if you don't sleep so late?"

Shen Qiqiao leaned against the window coffin, looking at the crescent moon above her head, full of thoughts. Luo Qingyun came in and covered her with a thin cloak to avoid catching cold.

"Thank you, Brother Luo!"

Shen Qiqiao turned around, smiled slightly, and thanked Luo Qingyun.

Seeing her smiling, Luo Qingyun lost his mind for a moment.

Immediately, he sighed softly: "That kid Ye Han really has eyesight. Who would have thought that the skinny, black clown girl back then would turn out to be a slim beauty?"

Shen Qiqiao chuckled when she heard the words: "Then my eyesight is not bad either. Who would have thought that the ugly monster with a large bruise birthmark on his face was actually a handsome young man?"

"Haha, you two met the right person at the right time, you are lucky in this life!"

Shen Qiqiao smiled shyly again, and returned to the topic: "Brother Luo asked me what I was thinking just now, I was thinking about the Nine Gates Grotto, do you still remember the Bailing Mountain that Ye Han and I went to? Isn't there also a lair for making armor?"

"My brother and sister mean that there is a connection between the two? But Changhu County and my Guangling County follow so far...it seems unwise!"

"Brother Luo, have you heard of the three caves of the cunning rabbit?"

"The three caves of the cunning rabbit? So that's the case, and this may not be an explanation."

When Shen Qiqiao said this, her expression darkened again.

"We have been to Bailing Mountain before, and it is very dangerous. The scale of the place is not very large. But this time, the Nine Gates Grottoes, just listen to the man's explanation, it is a dangerous place. We want to rescue Li Zhiqing's father. , I'm afraid it will be difficult!"

"It's really difficult, I'm afraid this matter will have to be discussed in the long run!"

Luo Qingyun nodded, but felt quite a headache. Reporting to the officer is definitely required, but the implications are too extensive.

Especially when the crime of "conspiracy | treason" is involved, sometimes the person who reports the case may not have good results.

After all, who dares to be involved in treason, who doesn't hold a lot of power?
Throughout the dynasties, those who have such a sophisticated conspiracy plan are either some important ministers, or nobles, or warlords...

Anyway, whoever they offend will suffer a terrible death!

Shen Qiqiao also noticed this point, the reporter needs to be cautious, that's why she has a headache.

Perhaps, since they first entered Bailing Mountain and defeated the bandits, they were destined to entangle with this conspiracy to the end.

They never expected that after taking away a den that made military equipment, nothing would happen. They never expected that such a terrifying incident would happen again in Jincheng!

But this time, it was also their partners who were implicated.

"Brothers and sisters, it's getting late. It's useless to think about these things now. Tomorrow is the day when the rankings will be released. Let's talk about it after reading it then!"

"Okay, I see! Brother Luo also go to bed early!"

Shen Qiqiao bid farewell to Luo Qingyun, feeling quite tired at this moment, so she fell into a deep sleep.

Early the next morning, Shen Mu and others got up early and ran to the red wall outside the examination room to see the results of the rankings. I wondered if anyone among them could win the exam?

(End of this chapter)

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