Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 841 It's all high school!

Chapter 841 It's all high school!

She didn't sleep well last night, so when she woke up, Shen Mu and the others had all left, and only Luo Qingyun was left in the empty yard.

It has to be said that Luo Qingyun is indeed a good friend. During the more than a year since Ye Han left, she took care of Shen Qiqiao very carefully and thoughtfully, and she was always inseparable.

Seeing that Shen Qiqiao woke up, Luo Qingyun brought over the prepared breakfast: "Hurry up and eat some, and then we'll go see those boys too!"

Luo Qingyun was two or three years older than Song Qingshu and the others, but he was full of brats, and sometimes he really wanted to be beaten.

Shen Qiqiao had eaten her breakfast, so she and Luo Qingyun got into the carriage and went there.

It was already noon at this time, and the red wall outside the examination room was full of people.

Officers and soldiers in charge of the guards were watching, and the candidates were not allowed to mess around.

Time gradually passed.

Finally, when the gong of "Dangdangdang" sounded, a string of firecrackers was also set off, and the crackling was festive.

With a bang, the red curtain was lifted, and a string of names appeared on it.

"Hey, let me down, let me down, let me see..."

"Ah, I didn't!"

"Haha, I hit it, I hit it..."

Under the red wall, there were crowds of people, and countless candidates stared at the densely packed red wall, either happy or sad, some were downcast and cried, some were dancing and cheering for joy, and some even cried with joy, but they didn’t come up in one breath, choking up!
Fortunately, Luo Qingyun and Shen Qiqiao arrived, seeing a candidate in the crowd laughing happily, speechless and funny, stepped forward to press him, and then gave him the needle to save him.

After the examinee woke up, he thanked Luo Qingyun repeatedly.

Shen Qiqiao didn't stay here too long, she went to find her younger brother, elder brother Song and others.

"Wow, I won! Love letter, you, you, you...your name is on it!"

"Ah, I really hit it, Zhiqing, you're here too, that's great!"

"Ah, I don't have one, forget it, anyway, I don't count on it, I'll take the exam next time! But congratulations to Brother Song and Brother Li, you finally got your wish! Haha!"

Shen Mu glanced at the list, but couldn't see his name, but he was not too sad.

Speaking of which, he is only 13 years old this year, and he is still very young. Many people in Zhongju are 20 or even 30 years old, so he still has a lot of time to fight.

Song Qingshu was naturally happy to see that he had passed the exam, but Li Zhiqing was not very happy, because he thought of his parents, and his expression was extremely gloomy.

"Now that I have finally passed the exam, I...I want to tell my mother the good news. Maybe in this way, her condition will improve..."

"Is your mother sick?"

Luo Qingyun and Shen Qiqiao had already found them, the yell just now was very loud, even though the crowd was noisy, they could still be recognized by virtue of their voice characteristics.

Shen Qiqiao was very angry when she heard this, she put her hands on her hips and said angrily: "Li Zhiqing, you are too much, why didn't you tell me that your mother is seriously ill? Don't you know that we have a genius doctor here? Do you look down on us, huh?"

The words were harsh, but everyone could feel Shen Qiqiao's full care for him.

Li Zhiqing: "That... Mrs. Ye, I didn't mean that, my mother is just a little sick, so don't worry about it..."

"If you don't pay attention to a minor illness, it will develop into a serious illness in the future. Don't you know? You are really unfilial! Okay, brother Luo, why don't you go back to Fenglin County?"

"Alright, I'm just going to bring some medicinal materials back, and I'll let you know about your high school incident!"

"This...then, thank you Brother Luo!"

(End of this chapter)

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