Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 843 Lu Haoran Was Rejected Again!

Chapter 843 Lu Haoran Was Rejected Again!
In the next few days, everyone began to prepare for their departure.

Shen Qiqiao had already made some preparations before, but it was far from enough.

After all, she just made overall plans, like Luo Qingyun and the others, what they want to prepare, they still have to ask themselves.

However, just when they were about to leave, Ma Yingjie unexpectedly came to visit again.

In the small gazebo next to the rockery.

Shen Qiqiao and Lu Haoran sat facing each other, and the green tea on the stone table exuded a delicate fragrance, which was refreshing.

"Master Lu, please use tea!"

"That... are you leaving Jincheng?"

When Lu Haoran said this, his expression was a bit sad.

"Yes, we are going to Shengjing City. I'm afraid it will take at least a year or two!"

It took a long time to go back and forth. Naturally, it took a while to go to Shengjing City, and this time was necessary.

"Then I'll go with you too!"


Shen Qiqiao was stunned, this guy actually wanted to go to Shengjing with them?

If it was the usual way, Shen Qiqiao wouldn't mind, there are many people and companions, it's interesting for the big guys to talk and laugh along the way.

But right now, they said they were going to Shengjing, and they had to go to Changhu County on the way. It might be dangerous, and they really didn't want to implicate innocent people.

"What? Mrs. Shen...doesn't want me to accompany you?"

When Lu Haoran said this, he felt even more uncomfortable.

Shen Qiqiao didn't want him to be implicated, so she said with a serious face: "We are going this time because we have something to do, so..."


Lu Haoran sighed softly, as expected, it was still the case.

Maybe, he really can't walk into her heart.

But after thinking about it carefully, Ma Yingjie felt relieved. She was already his own, so why should he force it.

"Actually, it's time for me to leave Jincheng and return to Beijing. I wanted to go on the road with you, but I'm afraid I can't now..."


When he said this, Shen Qiqiao actually felt a little sorry for the other party, after all, this person was considered an upright gentleman, at least he didn't make a fuss about the scientific examination.

You must know that Luo Qingyun's mention of it last time shocked her, but fortunately, everyone was satisfied with the final result.

"Haha, it's okay, it's all because I'm being sentimental. Lady Shen, don't mind!"

"Mr. Lu, don't take offense, it's really inconvenient to go with you this time."

"It's okay, since Mrs. Shen is inconvenient, then I, Mr. Lu, won't bother me too much. I hope that after we go to Shengjing City, we can still talk like friends."

"Naturally, I will definitely pay a visit to the Lu Mansion when the time comes!"

"Haha, okay, when the time comes, you must come to Hanlin Academy. There are many highly respected masters and bachelors there. With Mrs. Shen's talent, she will surely impress a group of people!"

When Lu Haoran talked about this matter, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion. He had to know that he was conquered by Shen Qiqiao's talent so that he could never forget it so much.

As a result, from the initial admiration, it gradually turned into obsession, and in the end, she even had unreasonable thoughts about Shen Qiqiao.

Lu Haoran's family was well-educated, and he knew that what he did was absolutely wrong. He couldn't and couldn't have such perverted thoughts about a woman who already had a husband.

But he just couldn't help it, so he was extremely annoyed.

Shen Qiqiao smiled, to Hanlin Academy?

It was an academy for princes and nobles. How could she go to such an academy as a woman, even a businesswoman who was looked down upon by many people?
But she thought of her brother.

It seems that it is necessary to fight for my younger brother.

(End of this chapter)

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