Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 844 Changhu County

Chapter 844 Changhu County

Three days later, Shen Qiqiao and his party of six set out on the road, during the period, they brought along two serving maids and two servants who drove the carriage, and traveled lightly.

"Sister, you are pregnant, so it doesn't matter if you travel so long?"

Shen Lanzhi leaned against Shen Qiqiao, stroking her slightly protruding belly with her chubby little hands, and asked with her head tilted.

Shen Qiqiao smiled: "Don't worry, with Brother Luo, a genius doctor, everything will be fine."

"Haha that's right, Lanzhi, don't worry about your sister, she is pregnant with a freak, and she can't throw it away!"

"Luo Qingyun, do you want to die?"

Shen Qiqiao's hair exploded, she was already worried because she was pregnant with a weird pregnancy, this guy actually dared to sprinkle salt on her wound?
Immediately, he took a pillow and threw it at Luo Qingyun very rudely.

"Ahhh, brother and sister, calm down, calm down, be careful not to get angry, you are not alone now..."

"Hmph! Don't threaten me with my child, I tell you, if you dare to say that this is a freak, I will beat you to death! You know, I am not fighting alone now!"

Shen Qiqiao angrily pointed at her slightly swollen belly.

Luo Qingyun: "..."

Well, half of what he said, this girl completed it!
"Hahaha, my sister is really amazing, yes, and me too! Brother Luo, don't bully my sister! Otherwise, I will beat you too!"

Shen Lanzhi waved her small fists, her cheeks were bulging, and she pretended to be very angry.

Luo Qingyun said again: "..."

Sure enough, only women and villains are difficult to raise!

Because there were two carriages, Shen Qiqiao and the others took the official road. The advantage of doing so was that there was often a place to stay along the way instead of sleeping in the open. The disadvantage was that they could not take shortcuts, and the distance was relatively longer.

However, compared with the difficulty of traveling along the official road, the shortcut is actually faster to take the official road.

After traveling all the way for more than ten days, Shen Qiqiao and the others finally left Guangling County and entered the border of Changhu County.

Dagan's states and counties are similar to the provinces of later generations. The area of ​​a county is actually very large. Because the area is too large, each state and county will be divided into small and small areas.

Among these areas, because of geographical location, economic exchanges, cultural and social reasons, etc., prosperous cities will gradually form one after another, and county towns will be released one after another near the cities, which is similar to Jincheng and Jincheng in Guangling County. There are Fenglin County and other counties nearby, and there are various small towns under Fenglin County.

Right now, Shen Qiqiao and his party came to an area called "Lushu" on the border of Changhu County.

There is a large dense virgin forest here, and there are many elk and sika deer in the forest, so it is famous for its rich antler.

"Lushu, this place is nice. I've heard people say that the deer antler produced by Lushu is very good. How about we go and buy some deer antler?"

Luo Qingyun is born with a special fondness for medicine, and his eyes light up when he sees medicinal materials.

"This deer antler tastes sweet and salty, warm in nature, and belongs to the two meridians of liver and kidney. It has the effect of nourishing kidney yang, nourishing essence and blood, and strengthening muscles and bones. Brother and sister, I will prescribe a dose of strong tendons and big tonic pills for Ye Han at that time. ...ah...it hurts...help..."

"The surname Luo! I killed you, ah!"

"Brothers and sisters, calm down, don't get angry... ah..."

The laughter faded away. Although Shen Qiqiao was pregnant, she didn't have any pregnancy symptoms. She was still bouncing around as before, chasing and fighting with Luo Qingyun.

The few people behind all showed quite helpless expressions, because this Luo Qingyun was so happy, he could quarrel with Shen Qiqiao several times along the way.

It was approaching evening at this time, and the group happened to arrive at a border town and decided to spend the night here.

(End of this chapter)

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