Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 846 Oolong trouble!

Chapter 846 Oolong trouble!
"Drive! Drive!"

The carriage gallops!

"Brother and sister, you said he turned back? Are you sure? Could it be that he was captured?"

"Are you stupid? There's no sign of struggle or fighting around here, so it's impossible for someone to catch you! Besides, if you catch someone, wouldn't we be caught too?"


Luo Qingyun slapped his forehead, what happened to him?The mind is so confused?

"I hope nothing will happen to him, and I hope it's all because of our overthinking!"

Although the old man has no calluses on his hands, it may be because he is too old to work and his wife and children take good care of him.

This is the only fluke idea in the minds of the few people right now.

In the dark night, among the dense mottled trees and scattered shadows, a small town can be seen hidden in this mountain forest.

"Let go, you bad guys, let me go!"

When Shen Qiqiao and the others arrived here, they heard Li Zhiqing's voice from a distance.

Because the night was quiet, such a roar was very loud and obvious!

"Sure enough, it's Zhiqing, this idiot, he actually broke away from the main force and committed danger alone, I really want to be mad at you!"

Jiang Yifan gritted his teeth in hatred, feeling impatient and distressed.

"We must save him!"

Shen Mu said firmly with a small face.

"You stay here as a support, I will save people!"

"Brother Luo, are you going alone?"

"I'm the only one here who can do well. If I don't go, who else will I go to? It's okay, just be careful and wait for me to come back!"

After Luo Qingyun finished speaking, he didn't give them a chance, turned over and jumped off the carriage and rushed towards the farm in that small town.

"Let go, you murderous demons, let me go, I... I will fight you!"

"Where did this wild boy come from, quickly tie him up, and then torture him for what?"

From the farm came the old man's angry yelling, followed by the sound of jingling and ping-pong.


At this moment, the door of the room was kicked open, a cold light flashed, Luo Qingyun rushed in, followed by the moonlight and faint starlight, stabbed with a sword!

The old man was stabbed in the arm by his sword, and fell to the ground and rolled over. The young and middle-aged people around him were all frightened by this sudden scene, and retreated one after another.

A 30-year-old young man said in surprise: "You...you, who are you and what do you want to do?"

"Hmph, I still want to ask you, who are you? Who sent you to catch people? And the master behind it, why did you do such an outrageous thing, tell me!"

Luo Qingyun fell to Li Zhiqing's side, raised his sword and pulled the ropes tied to him, and after protecting him, he pointed his sword at everyone and said angrily.

The old man was supported by an old woman, and looked at Luo Qingyun weakly: "Old man, I still want to ask you, why, why did you come to harm people!"

"Hmph, don't pretend to be stupid. You bad guys, who rob good guys and use them to develop poison, now have the face to pretend to be stupid?"

Li Zhiqing let go of the rope on his body, blushed with anger, and stared at these people viciously.

"Don't talk nonsense, you boy. You say we harm people. Our ancestors in Bailu Town have lived here for hundreds of years and have never harmed anyone! But you, who captured our clansmen, whose whereabouts are still unknown, and now want to harm us, really There is no reason for this!"

"and many more!"

Luo Qingyun looked at these young and old, and suddenly realized something, their martial arts were mediocre, and they could solve them with three or two moves.

You know, if you want to catch people, no matter how bad your martial arts are, you can't even have three-legged cat kung fu, right?

Then, Luo Qingyun looked at the villagers who were filled with righteous indignation, and vaguely felt that something had happened!

(End of this chapter)

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