Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 847 They are all victims!

Chapter 847 They are all victims!
Shen Qiqiao sat on the carriage, feeling restless, worried that Luo Qingyun would be in danger.

In the meantime, I waited for another half an hour, but still didn't see him coming back, and I became more and more worried.

"No, I have to go and see!"

"No, Mrs. Ye, not to mention that you are pregnant now, even if you are in good health, you are a weak woman, it is better not to go!"

"Brother Ke Luo hasn't come here for a long time, I'm worried that something will happen to him."

"Then I'll go and have a look! Although my kung fu is poor, I can do it a little bit!"

"That's even worse, this is going to die!"

"Madam Ye, aren't you also going to die?"


Shen Qiqiao was choked.

"Besides, this is all because of me. If I don't take a nap, Zhiqing won't disappear..."

Jiang Yifan blamed himself all over his face.

"This matter has nothing to do with you..."

Just as she was talking, Shen Qiqiao suddenly saw a figure swaying in the distance, it was Luo Qingyun, he's back!
"Brother Luo!"

Several people got out of the carriage and went up to meet them.

"Brother Luo, it's great that you came back safely. By the way, where is Zhiqing?"

"It's okay, Zhiqing is fine, he is falling asleep at the old man's house right now."

Luo Qingyun panted and said.

Shen Qiqiao and Li Zhiqing looked at each other.

Luo Qingyun laughed, and said what happened before, and then everyone realized that they had made an own mistake.

"So that person is the patriarch, no wonder, he is pampered!"

Shen Qiqiao was quite speechless, and Shen Mu was even more pompous. This time the oolong made a big fuss, and she was ashamed to death. It was a good idea to stay overnight, but the result was inexplicable. Not only did she not sleep well, but she also offended people .

"Elder Qi asked us to stay there for a day, and I still need to heal his wounds. After all, I accidentally stabbed him with a sword."

Luo Qingyun was very guilty about this matter, and it was also caused by their suspicion.

Therefore, Shen Qiqiao and his party temporarily stayed in this Qijiazhuang for three days.

Although we had some conflicts with them on the first day, we learned later that someone from both sides had been captured by mysterious people, and we felt the same for a while, and the atmosphere became more harmonious.

Three days later, Shen Qiqiao and his party continued on the road.

Along the way, it was quiet.

Perhaps it was because of their large number of people and the protection of Luo Qingyun, who was good at martial arts, and because they walked on the official road, it was difficult for those enemies hiding in the dark to attack.

After all, not everyone can be lucky enough to be selected by these people. According to Li Zhiqing, they must be singled out, and they will be targeted when there are few people.

In the carriage, Luo Qingyun thought deeply.

"According to this, the group of people can only be found when there are few people around?"

"We don't know exactly where the Nine Gates Grotto is. We can only follow this group of people, but now we can't find them at all."

"It would be great if that kid Ye Han was there. With him here, maybe he can be used as a bait... Ah... Pain..."

"Who are you talking about as bait?"

Shen Qiqiao's big eyes were wide open, and she twisted Luo Qingyun's ears.

This bastard actually let his man be the bait, it's very dangerous, okay?
Luo Qingyun laughed bitterly: "Sister and sister, I'll just talk casually, that kid is so good, he's fine... I was wrong..."

Then, Luo Qingyun sat in the corner, rubbed her red and swollen ears and drew circles, feeling really depressed in her heart, and she didn't forget to mutter, such a pungent girl, I don't know how to be tamed by Ye Han, so submissive, alas !

Suddenly, Shen Qiqiao asked the driver to stop.

(End of this chapter)

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