Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 848 Ruan Cheng

Chapter 848 Ruan Cheng
Luo Qingyun's heart skipped a beat, and he asked weakly, "Sister and brother, what's wrong?"

Just as she was talking, Shen Qiqiao took out a piece of silk from her bosom, crumpled it into a ball, and stuffed it into Luo Qingyun's mouth while Luo Qingyun was stunned.


"Let you talk about it all day long, don't take it out, when you have consciousness, take it out again, hum!"

Luo Qingyun: "Woooo..."

"Haha, brother Luo is so funny!"

Along the way, because of Luo Qingyun's funny, there were more laughter and laughter, which diluted a little bit of Li Zhiqing's melancholy.

The carriage was traveling on the official road, and it lasted another half a month.

It has been a month since they left.

At this time, in May, the end of spring and the beginning of summer, the weather is gradually getting hotter. Changhu County is famous for its many lakes, and there is a large lake in the middle, so it is named.

Lakes one after another are dotted with lotus flowers and decorated with flying dragonflies, which reminds people of the poem "The little lotus just showed its sharp horns, and the dragonfly stood on its head a long time ago".

"Already arrived at Long Lake,"

The curtain of a carriage suddenly opened a corner, revealing a delicate little head with curved eyebrows, shining eyes, a high nose bridge, red lips and white teeth, when the wind blows, a wisp of blue hair curls, it is really beautiful .

There was a scholar passing by in a hurry, but seeing the scenery inside the car, he was stunned for a moment, he even stopped his steps, and just stared at the car that was drifting away.

"Sister, that scholar is staring at you!"

Shen Lanzhi saw the sluggish scholar through the gap in the curtain, and muttered softly.

Shen Qiqiao withdrew her head, said with a light smile, "Why, sister is so pretty, why don't others see it?"

"Hmph, Brother Ye is not here, otherwise he must be beaten up."

Shen Lanzhi pursed her mouth, and said a fact that Shen Qiqiao could not refute.

However, when it comes to Ye Han, Shen Qiqiao's happy mood while watching the scenery all the way is bad again.


"What happened to the younger siblings?"

With what happened last time, Luo Qingyun has become much more honest in the past few days, and dare not make fun of Shen Qiqiao anymore.

"Haven't we already arrived at Long Lake? I want to stop for a while and look around."

Shen Qiqiao glanced at the chasing carriage, guess Li Zhiqing is not in a good mood right now?

Luo Qingyun raised his eyes and looked at it. In the distance, hidden among the green mountains, there was a green and clear lake with sparkling water and lotus buds swaying on it, which was very beautiful.

However, he sighed, "Changhu Lake is so big that it almost runs through half of Changhu County. How do we find it?"

"Didn't you talk about the long-term plan? We've already traveled for a month, so we'll find an inn to stay in first. First, we'll inquire about the war in the north. Second, we'll inquire about the Nine Gates Grottoes by the way."

"Madam Ye, can you stay here for a few days?"

Just as Shen Qiqiao finished speaking, the carriage behind caught up, and Li Zhiqing opened the curtain to talk to Shen Qiqiao.

"Brother Li, I also have the same intention, let's find an inn near here!"

"it is good!"

Li Zhiqing's gloomy expression improved slightly, and he immediately took the initiative to find a place to live.

This place is called Ruan City. It is a large-scale city near Changhu Lake, and there are several medium-sized cities beside it, forming an urban agglomeration.

The economy here is developed and people-to-people exchanges are frequent, so it is a place where you can inquire about news.

In the busy market, people come and go, and there is an endless stream.

Li Zhiqing quickly found an inn.

Clean, tidy, moderately priced, with care.

The group packed their luggage and checked in.

After Shen Qiqiao came in, the first thing she did was to get out of the guest room on the third floor of the inn, and went to the Dianjian hall on the first floor, ordered a few small dishes, and sat and listened to the news.

(End of this chapter)

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