Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 853 You've Been Across Us?

Chapter 853 You Have Been Across Us?

The man in black retreated.

Lu Haoran held Shen Qiqiao's delicate and smooth little hand, and for a moment, he was in a trance.

"Mr. Lu, thank you for saving your life this time!"

Shen Qiqiao expressed her gratitude to Lu Haoran with a slight blessing.

Only then did Lu Haoran come back to his senses, and said with a smile: "It's okay, Mrs. Shen, are you all right, are you injured?"

"We're fine, but brother Luo is injured, but it's fine!"

When she spoke, she turned her head and glanced at Luo Qingyun. There were several sword wounds on her body, but it was not a big problem, not to mention that he was a doctor himself, such a small injury was easy for him.

However, Luo Qingyun didn't mean to thank Lu Haoran, but asked coldly: "You bastard, why did you make such a coincidence to attack us suddenly when we were in danger, huh?"

Ma Yingjie's expression was a little stiff.

Luo Qingyun then said again: "Hmph, tell me, have you been following us?"


Ma Yingjie showed embarrassment.

Luo Qingyun immediately choked up: "Hey, I knew it. I said, why do I always feel that someone is staring at us? Is it you who co-authored it?"

As Luo Qingyun said, he went up and patted Lu Haoran's shoulder, and then said in a strange way. In fact, when he patted his shoulder, he used even more force.

Shen Qiqiao naturally saw Luo Qingyun's secret rivalry, she was quite helpless, and went up to tease him: "Brother Luo, what are you doing, this time I still have to thank Mr. Lu, otherwise we will be in trouble!"

"Thank you, of course I should thank you. Next time your man comes, I will tell him to let him thank you!"

Shen Qiqiao: "..."

Lu Haoran: "@#¥%..."

Where did this vicious guy come from?Why do you come up with such a bad idea?

However, such a tossing has dispelled the tense atmosphere before, and since Lu Haoran saved them, he must have guessed that they had encountered difficulties, so Shen Qiqiao naturally didn't need to hide it anymore, and told about the Nine Gates Grotto Inform them one by one.

Lu Haoran's complexion also became gloomy: "This matter is strange, and the water is very deep. Don't act rashly for now. Let's talk about it when we return to Beijing!"

"it is good!"

Right now, the only way to make a decision is to go to Shengjing.

Because according to what they heard on the way, Northern Turks have been almost wiped out by them, and Ye Han should be back soon.

Moreover, in Shengjing City, Lu Haoran also has a wide network of contacts, so he can help them to some extent.

At that moment, a group of people set off on the road and headed straight for Shengjing.

At the same time, in a mountain forest with green mountains and beautiful waters in Changhu County, there is a stretch of palace mansions. In a gorgeous palace, there is a chilling sound.

"You said, your assassination failed?"

"Master, it's because the subordinates are incompetent. Originally, this task could be completed easily, but a group of people appeared on the way and rescued them!"

"Hmph, useless waste, women and children can't handle it! Do you know who did it?"

"Yes... probably, Lu Haoran, the son of Lu Huaiyong, a scholar of Hanlin Academy!"

"Son of Lu Huaiyong? Hmph, what a guts, do you want to fight against this king?"

"Master, this matter is humble and incompetent, please punish me, master!"

"Okay, right now, this king is employing people, so I won't punish you too much. However, capital crimes can be avoided, but living crimes are hard to forgive. Go and get thirty army sticks yourself!"

"Thank you master for not killing me!"

"Also, pay close attention to Lu Huaiyong's side. If there is any disturbance, you must report it!"


(End of this chapter)

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