Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 854 This jade pendant is for you!

Chapter 854 This jade pendant is for you!

The great imperial capital, Shengjing!
Three carriages drove slowly on the bustling street.

There is a lot of traffic on both sides, and there are dense crowds. From time to time, the noisy voice comes to the ears. Although it is noisy, it is not disturbing.

"Sister, this... this is Shengjing, it's so... so prosperous, with so many people..."

A small head poked out from the window of the carriage, looked around, and then asked weakly.

"We haven't reached the real imperial capital yet. These are the small cities outside Shengjing City. Look, there is a city gate over there. Entering that gate is the real Shengjing!"

Shen Qiqiao patted her little sister's head and explained to him.

"Sister, is Big Brother Ye coming back too?"

Shen Lanzhi tilted her head and asked her sister.

The reason why they asked this question is because they never forgot to inquire about the news of the northern border when they came all the way. They learned that half a month ago, the war in the northern border ended—the head of the Turkic Khan Tuli was killed by a young general. The head of the sword lord caused the enemy's army to be in a state of chaos, and was finally captured by the powerful Dagan army in one fell swoop.

And the young general who can behead Khan for profit is Ye Han!

Calculating the time, it seems that it is only a month's journey from the northern border to Shengjing, so after they settle down here, they will be able to see Ye Han immediately, and the husband and wife will be reunited!

Thinking of this, a happy smile filled Shen Qiqiao's face.

Finally, I waited until my man came back.

Lu Haoran was in the carriage next to him, but he could feel Shen Qiqiao's happy smile. With a faint sigh, he finally understood why Luo Qingyun looked at him with wicked eyes when he mentioned her husband.

It turns out that Mrs. Shen's husband is the major general, Ye Han, who is now a hot topic in court!

They are a legitimate couple, and her husband is so powerful, I have no chance.

Yes, why did he want to have her in a twitch?
Lu Haoran slapped himself on the forehead, trying to calm himself down.

In a blink of an eye, the carriage arrived at the gate of the city. Since there was nothing important to do, as long as the gate guard was notified of the origin, he could enter safely.

After entering the city gate, Shen Lanzhi screamed again.

"Ahhh——sister, look, it's such a wide street, it's as wide as ten streets over our house, no, no, twenty streets, and there are so many tall buildings... Wow, these people wear Why are your clothes so pretty..."

Shen Qiqiao patted her sister's little head rather speechlessly, and said angrily: "Stop making noise, be quiet, you will make people laugh if you shout like this!"

"Wow, it's really amazing!"

On the other hand, Shen Mu was not surprised by the prosperity here, but showed a pensive look: "Sister, is the money we brought enough?"

Shen Qiqiao was taken aback for a moment, then she knew what her younger brother meant.

Such a huge capital city is so prosperous and full of gold and jade. It can be imagined that the consumption level is very high. Maybe 100 taels of silver can buy a courtyard in my hometown, but here I can only eat one meal.

Lu Haoran smiled and said: "It's okay, don't worry, if you have any difficulties in life, you can come to Lu Manor to find me!"

Saying so, Lu Haoran handed a piece of jade pendant to Shen Qiqiao: "This is my token. Lady Shen will bring this token to Lu Mansion, and no one will dare to stop her!"


For a split second, everyone was startled, and Shen Qiqiao didn't know what to say?

(End of this chapter)

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