Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 855 The princess wakes up!

Chapter 855 The princess wakes up!

After the atmosphere was silent for a while, Shen Qiqiao hurriedly said: "Young Master Lu, this is impossible! This item is too expensive, and we have brought enough silver taels, brother is just talking nonsense!"

"Miss Shen, don't need to talk too much! Shengjing's consumption is extremely high, and you need to spend money on food, clothing, housing and transportation, so don't be polite to me!"

"This... Mr. Lu has already helped us a lot, there is really no need to..."

"Miss Shen, this is a wish of Mrs. Lu, please accept it!"

Shen Qiqiao didn't want it, but Lu Haoran forcibly gave it to her.

She knew that it would be pointless to refuse, and it would be very embarrassing, so she accepted it with a smile.

Since Lu Haoran returned to Beijing, he naturally wanted to go back to his residence to report his safety, so he parted from Shen Qiqiao and the others here.

After sending Lu Haoran away, Shen Qiqiao and his party found a rather unassuming inn to stay.

Then, Shen Qiqiao's face turned green.

Because it's such an inn that doesn't look fancy, and it costs a tael of silver to stay a night!
They asked for a total of five guest rooms, and it cost five taels of silver to stay here for one night.

This is just the accommodation, and the money is rushing, not counting the food and other expenses.

"I still have 2000 taels of silver invoices and a bag of jewelry. It seems that I will go to the pawn shop and pawn all these jewelry. Then I have to think about how to make money!"

After all, you can't just sit and eat!
Luo Qingyun heard the words and said: "It's not easy to make money. I have a skill and I can't starve to death. I can practice medicine!"

"Practice medicine? You're new here, so I'm afraid you won't be able to find a doctor for a while. Besides, there are all high-ranking officials and dignitaries here. If you're not careful, you will suffer disaster, and you may be involved in the internal struggle of the Hou clan."

Luo Qingyun rubbed his forehead: "Is it so dangerous? I'm seeing a doctor, and I can still get involved in disputes?"

"Isn't that right? Do you still remember Feng Liuyun? He was poisoned before, wasn't he plotted by his stepmother?"


Luo Qingyun was speechless for a moment.

"Then...then what should we do next?"

"I still have a lot of money. I won't starve to death for a month or two. Let's settle down first!"

Luo Qingyun thought about it, and felt that it was feasible. After all, Ye Han would be back in ten days and a half months. With him at that time, it would be difficult for them to starve to death.

So, Shen Qiqiao and the others stayed in this inn temporarily.

At this moment, Yuan Zai Yong leads the army, Chang'an City.

The majestic and majestic palace is built with the lake around the mountains. It is magnificent but soft. The eaves of green tiles and glazed eaves glow with golden light in the morning sun, reflecting the rockery and lakes in the distance, and reflecting a little bit of ripples.

A middle-aged man with an ordinary appearance but an elegant temperament stood quietly by the rockery lake, his eyes dimmed and he stared into the distance.

He was dressed in a dark and dark gold-edged Chinese costume, which was heavy and solemn, reflecting an ordinary face, but with an indescribable heroism and beauty.

Suddenly, his eyebrows condensed slightly, his chest heaved slightly, and then he coughed softly. He raised his hands to cover the corners of his mouth, but he couldn't hide the drop of blood that slowly overflowed!

"My lord, are you urgent?"

In the distance, Chuyi was standing with his sword in his arms. When he saw Lingjun Qi lowering his head and coughing slightly, he broke out in a cold sweat and hurried forward to ask with concern.

Lingjun Qi waved his hand and shook his head slowly.

The corner of Chu Yi's mouth moved slightly, and he was about to say something, but saw another figure galloping towards him, but exclaimed with joy on his face: "My lord, my lord, my concubine...she, she, woke up!"

(End of this chapter)

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