Chapter 860

Ye Han never expected that Ye Dahai and his wife would come to Shengjing City without losing their ghosts!
What he didn't expect was that he would do such nonsense in front of the crowd!

He was holding the rein in his hand, and blue veins appeared on the back of his hand, which was caused by extreme anger!
Sun's disturbance immediately stopped the advancing army, and Yu Chiheng looked at Ye Han in astonishment, his eyes seemed to ask him what he meant?
Ye Han said calmly: "Leave her alone and continue marching!"

Yuchiheng is an old man, and he has seen some clues. He can be sure that Ye Han knows this woman.

But right now the army was going back to the palace to return to their orders, and there was no delay for a while, so they ordered two soldiers to take the woman away and continue marching.

However, seeing that Ye Han ignored her, Mrs. Sun immediately made more noise and cried desperately.

"Ye Han, you little bastard, you have no heart, my old mother pulled you up from a small child with snot and tears, you are good, you have a daughter-in-law and forget your mother, and cooperate with that little bitch to drive your parents away Monk, are so inhuman, you should be struck by lightning!"

Ye Han was angry, this dead old woman was talking nonsense, the young couple had done their best to Ye Dahai and his wife, the reason why they ended up today was not because they were too greedy?

It turned out to be good, now it's time to beat him up?
At this time, Ye Dahai also came up, pointing at Ye Han and began to scold: "Ye Han, everyone says that filial piety is the first thing to do, but look at yourself? If you treat your own parents so harshly, if you become an official, Can it be good to the common people? Huh?"

These words were really heartbreaking, and when the common people on the sidelines heard the words, they immediately pointed at Ye Han, thinking that he was too much for being a son, and it was unacceptable.

After all, they have seen the tragic situation of Ye Dahai and his wife now. They are ragged and unkempt, and they seem to be begging for a living.

This made the people around him even more suspicious of Ye Han, pointing and muttering.

Yu Chiheng felt tremendous pressure, and looked at Ye Han: "Boy Ye, this is your family matter, you should hurry up and deal with it!"

In Yu Chiheng's eyes, since the couple are Ye Han's parents, Ye Han should be able to deal with it when he gets off in person. After all, the father, mother and son are the ones who can't be more close. Even if there is something awkward, a few soft words It's okay to come down.

However, to Yu Chiheng's astonishment, Ye Han directly shook his head and said, "They are not my parents!"

"No? Hey, brat, don't open your eyes and talk nonsense! Your name is Ye Han. You are [-] years old this year. You were born in Xiaocha Village, Fenglin County, Jincheng, Guangling. A girl from the Shen family, the family is in the tea business..."

Sun put her hips on her hips, pointed at Ye Han, and pointed out his background one by one, which made the people around him even more indignant.

"Sure enough, it's their son, not their parents. How do you know so clearly?"

"That's right, how can this heartless person treat his biological parents like this? If he becomes an official in the future, will he be good to our common people? Just don't bully us."

"Yes, this villain, dragged him off his horse and didn't allow him to go in to meet the Holy Majesty. This kind of unworthy descendant who is shameless and kills thousands of knives, enters the palace and pollutes the eyes of our superior emperor!"

"Pull him off, pull him off, pull him off!"

The crowd below booed and made noise endlessly.

Ye Han stared at Sun and Ye Dahai with cold eyes: "You guys, court death!"

(End of this chapter)

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