Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 861 Princess Linlang

Chapter 861 Princess Linlang
"Ye Han, what are you doing? Stop!"

When Ma Yuan saw Ye Han's eyes were red with anger, and he was holding the sword at his waist, he knew what he was going to do, so he went up and held his sword hand.

"Don't be impulsive, this is not on the battlefield, just kill it! You have committed the anger of the crowd, now you have to think about how to calm the anger of the crowd, instead of starting a dispute with them again!"

"Indeed, Ye boy, this is because you did not behave properly. How could you treat your parents like this?"

General Deng also taught Ye Han a lesson, thinking that as a son of man, he had gone too far.

Ye Han was almost speechless: "Those are not my biological parents!"

He wanted to explain, but found that the current situation was impossible to explain, and if he explained, it would only get darker and darker.

Everyone looked at him with a strange color.

Ye Han really wanted to go crazy and kill people!
But right now, there is no way to solve the problem with violence.

Ye Dahai just likes to see Ye Han's crazy and angry eyes, laughing triumphantly there.

Ye Han said in a deep voice, "What exactly do you want?"

Mrs. Sun was even more proud, and raised her head and said: "What else can you do? Look, how did you talk to your parents, you brat? Hurry up and get off the horse, then kneel down and apologize to your parents, and then let us change Wearing clean clothes, serving you with good wine and good food, this is the principle of being a son of man!"

"That's right, there's my younger brother, third brother, how could you be so heartless and force my younger brother to die?"

Ye Jing also followed to join in the fun, the family of three wanted to run Ye Han to death.

Ye Han took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down, not to be angry, the more angry he is now, the more proud these three will be.

He took out an ingot of silver from his bosom, threw it to Ye Dahai, and said lightly: "I'm going back to the palace now, and I'll come back to you when I'm done!"

"Hey, brat, you just want to get rid of our three mothers? Do you really treat us like beggars?"

"That's right, let me tell you, if you don't kneel down and apologize, this matter will never end!"

He knelt down and apologized again!

When Ye Han heard this, he couldn't suppress his anger at all.

With a sneer, he suddenly turned over and jumped off the horse.

And Ye Dahai thought that Ye Han had to bow his head to them due to the pressure of countless people around him, but the smile on his face became even brighter.

But he still knew how to measure, and said again: "You boy, wouldn't it be better if you were like this earlier? After all, he is our own son, and he didn't want to make things difficult for you, but you really did too much..."

"is it?"

Ye Han pressed forward with a cold voice and gloomy eyes.

As Ye Dahai was talking, he suddenly realized that he couldn't continue. He noticed Ye Han's eyes, which became very scary!

A cold light flashed, and Ye Han drew out the sword from his waist.

"Ah—I'm going to kill——"

Someone in the crowd screamed and quickly panicked.

Yu Chiheng's expression darkened. He thought that this brat had become calm after more than a year of fighting on the battlefield, but who would have thought that he would remain the same, impulsive and irritable?
"Presumptuous, stop this princess!"

Just as Ye Han drew his sword out, a soft heck came from afar, and immediately a 17-year-old girl galloped over.

"Princess Linlang?"

Yu Chiheng was shocked. He never expected that the emperor's favorite seventeenth princess would appear here?
This princess loves to meddle in other people's business, and it seems that things are in trouble!
(End of this chapter)

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