Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 862 Recruiting as a consort is a matter for the royal family!

Chapter 862 Recruiting as a consort is a matter for the royal family!
Ye Han came to Shengjing for the first time, so naturally he didn't know Princess Linlang, but when he heard that it was a princess, he frowned.

It is said that princesses have princess disease, like to meddle in other's business, like to fight injustice, and even more like to mess around.

He realized it today.

Seeing that Ye Han was indifferent to her words, Mu Linlang got angry and said viciously: "Hey, did you hear that? This princess told you to withdraw your sword. If you don't listen, you will be disobeying the emperor's order!"

"The emperor's order is the emperor's order, so what is the princess' order?"

"You..." Mu Linlang was so angry that she stomped her feet and said, "You little soldier, how dare you run on this princess like this? This princess wants you to look good!"

As he spoke, he drew out his saber and greeted Ye Han.

Ye Han expressionless, stretched out his hand.


The sword in Mu Linlang's hand was directly blown away by Ye Han.

"Ah - you... You bastard, how dare you be rude to this princess? Come, take him down!"

"Princess, absolutely not!" Yu Chiheng hurried forward and said, "This son has made great contributions to the extermination of the Turks this time. Even if he wants to deal with it, the emperor must personally convict him. Please don't embarrass your servants, princess."

"Hmph, let the emperor convict you? Okay, then go to the palace and face the saint!"

Mu Linlang raised her delicate chin in a low voice, and looked up at Ye Han.

Just now she was far away and angry, so she didn't take a closer look, but now when she looked at it closely, she was amazed and fascinated.

In this world, is there such a handsome man?

He was born so tall and mighty, he looks like a reputable and good man, this...

Mu Linlang's originally angry little mouth was deflated for a moment, but she pretended to be very angry: "You guys, go back to the palace with this princess. Well, take these three people with you, and let my father interrogate himself!"

"Princess, this..."

Yu Chiheng's forehead was sweating. We all knew that Princess Linlang had been doted on by the emperor and empress since she was a child. She was rather savage and willful, but she never expected to be so savage!
In this court hall, they actually have to deal with the trivial matters of this ordinary people's family?
He hurried forward and said, "Princess, is this inappropriate?"

"Why is it inappropriate?"

Princess Linlang raised her eyebrows lightly.

Yu Chiheng: "This is a trivial matter for the common people, I really can't bother His Majesty the Emperor..."

Mu Linlang glanced at Ye Han, and said with a smile: "If this princess recruits a consort, wouldn't that be a matter for the royal family?"


Yu Chiheng was rendered speechless by Mu Linlang, and Ye Han was even more stunned.

What did he just hear?Recruiting a son-in-law?Are you sure this isn't an illusion?
Mu Linlang's language was not surprising, but she was too lazy to talk to a group of people who were in a mess in the wind. She raised her whip and said, "Okay, don't leave ink, hurry up and enter the palace! You guys, take them all! This princess wants my father to take care of me!" Trial this case! Hmph!"

But Mu Linlang was talking, but her eyes were fixed on Ye Han, um, such a handsome young man, she must get it!

Ye Han had no idea why things would develop like this?
The most beloved daughter of the emperor and the empress, the girl who was regarded as the jewel in the palm, actually said that she wanted to recruit herself as a son-in-law at the first meeting?

For the first time, how could he agree!

"Princess Linlang, does she really like to joke?"

Along the way, Ye Han asked Yu Chiheng for confirmation.

However, Yu Chiheng shook his head: "Princess Linlang really likes to mess around, but...it may be true to invite you to be her son-in-law, because her eyes represent everything!"

Ye Han: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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