Chapter 866
Sun shivered and counted the birth date over there.

What year was it 20 years ago?Bitter winter, what month is it?which day?hour?

She doesn't remember at all!
She is just a vulgar woman who has never read a book, how could she arrange her birthday?

And here are all cultural people, if you arrange one casually, if it doesn't match, won't you see the bottom of it immediately?

She rolled her eyes and cried out quickly: "Ah, Your Majesty, a woman with mud legs from the countryside, who has never studied, how would she know my son's birth date? Besides, we can't afford to ask Mr. to do the math! "

It's understandable for her to say that.

It's just that it sounds too far-fetched. When the midwife delivers the baby, the date of birth will always be arranged.

Lingjun Qi sneered, and said in his heart that you don't know, but this king does!
But he didn't get entangled in this issue, he just gave everyone a clue, and then he said: "How do you treat him?"

Regarding this question, Mrs. Sun gasped: "What else can I do? Of course it can't be better. If there are eggs in the house, he is indispensable. If there is meat, we have to share a bite. The couple would rather go hungry alone." Now, you can't wrong the child, can you?"

Ye Han next to him really wanted to give them a big mouth when he heard it, bastard, he said such a false lie, his face was not flushed and he was not panting, you have the ability!
Lingjun Qi sneered and said, "Really?"


Sun groaned, but soon, she couldn't laugh anymore.

Just listen to Lingjun Qi said: "Then why does the phalanx of his left middle finger show signs of being broken due to abuse?"


"His right shoulder blade is dented by a heavy object? The bone at the elbow of his left hand has signs of wear? The right hand..."

Lingjun Qi pointed out the broken parts of Ye Han's body one by one, and Sun's face was bewildered.

This... this... those are all the marks left by them beating him up when they were young, how can this lie be fulfilled?

As for Lingjun Qi, when he talked about the rest, his face was so gloomy that he could drip ink. How much did his son suffer at the hands of this couple, so that his body was so scarred?

It was ice and snow that day, and he was dressed thickly, so he really didn't notice it. If he knew, he would definitely not be dragged to the battlefield to practice.

He couldn't be more distressed?

At the same time, deep down in his heart, he also condemned the couple to death!

When Mrs. Sun saw the bed gang, her face turned pale with fright, but now the play has sung to this point, if she retreats, it is a crime of deceiving the emperor and the nine clans will be exterminated!

She doesn't want to die yet.

She hurriedly said: "That... is the injury left by my boy when he went hunting in the mountains, we can't blame us..."

"This injury, let alone accumulated for more than ten years, could it be that you let him go hunting in the mountains when he was young? Huh?"

Ling Jun Qi stared at Mrs. Sun, feeling furious. He knew the crime of this vicious couple abusing his son again.

"Eh, this..."

Sun choked, speechless.

No matter how stupid Mu Jingrui was, he could see that Lingjun Qi wanted to protect this boy, and was thinking about how to repair his brother relationship, so he immediately decided to be a favor.

He shouted: "What a pair of troublemakers, how dare they tease me! Someone, drag them out and kill them!"

"Ah, no, don't, the emperor spares me, the grass... the grass people know their mistakes, please let the grass people live..."

(End of this chapter)

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