Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 867 Marriage?

Chapter 867 Marriage?

The Sun family was terrified. They never expected that a Yongling King would appear suddenly and speak for Ye Han, even with a few words, and put them to death!

She was just a commoner, so she naturally knew that she could not compete with a prince, so she hurriedly begged for mercy.

However, Mu Jingrui wanted to repair the relationship with Lingjun Qi, so he naturally ignored them and wanted to execute him directly to give Ye Han an explanation.

It's a pity that Mu Jingrui couldn't figure out Ling Junqi's thoughts at all. He only glanced at Sun and Ye Dahai who were crying in panic, and suddenly said: "Your Majesty, today is the day of the triumphant return of the army. It is so bloody and bloody. I'm afraid it's unlucky."

The corners of Mu Jingrui's mouth twitched slightly, and he said to himself, neither this nor that, Jun Qi, what exactly do you want?

But in the end, he endured it and waved his hand: "King Yongling's words are justified, then...he will give you thirty sticks and throw him out!"

"Ah, thirty? Your Majesty, please spare me..."

Sun and Ye Dahai begged hard, but it was useless, they were dragged down, and then they heard the screams of "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

During this period, Lingjun Qi winked at Chu Yi who was waiting outside the hall, Chu Yi immediately understood and quietly withdrew.

Mu Jingrui listened to the screams outside, and asked Ling Junqi with a smile: "Junqi, are you satisfied?"

Lingjun Qi smiled and said: "The emperor was joking, you can just be satisfied, as a subject, I'm just giving advice."


Mu Jingrui slandered in his heart, is it really just a suggestion?Ever since you came in aggressively, it felt like you were here to settle accounts with him. Can you carelessly serve him?
And at this moment, if it is said that the one with the most confused mind is Ye Han.

He didn't understand, what was wrong with King Yongling, and he wanted to help him?

He can be sure that this guy is helping him. As a prince, there is really no need to fight against the emperor.

Ye Han is not stupid, how can he not see that the current emperor is clearly venting his anger on his precious daughter, deliberately punishing him?
Fifty sticks, this is not difficult for him who is physically strong, even if he suffers a little bit of flesh and blood, he will not die.

In this way, he did not understand why the Yongling King wanted to help him.

But at this moment, Mu Linlang suddenly jumped up and down to Mu Jingrui's side, bowed her head and whispered something in his ear.

Mu Jingrui was slightly taken aback, then glanced at his precious daughter: "You..."


Mu Linlang coquettishly acted coquettishly.

Mu Jingrui sighed helplessly.

He looked at Ye Han: "Your name is Ye Han, right?"

"The end is right!"

"I heard that in this war in the northern border, you were able to take down the Northern Turks in just one year, and you have contributed a lot."

"The emperor's award is all thanks to everyone!"

"Haha, the young man is so humble, yes, yes! Then, I will make you a first-class loyal and brave protector of the country, a hereditary title, and give you a marquis mansion, a hundred taels of gold, ten thousand taels of silver, a hundred pieces of brocade, and a hundred hectares of fertile land ..."

Mu Jingrui's reward is a lot, and the value is not small.

Ye Han was slightly taken aback, were these all rewards for him?

Then he will bring these back to his hometown, will Qiaoer happily want to throw him there?

It looks very good!

However, while talking, Ye Han's face turned green when he heard the last sentence.

"Besides, I see that you are not too young. It just so happens that I have a precious princess who is about the same age as you, which is not bad! I will give you a marriage today, and marry Princess Linlang to you!"

 I'm thinking about what Xiao Hanhan is going to do~

(End of this chapter)

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