Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 868 Don't marry unless he!

Chapter 868 Don't marry unless he!

Ye Han stared, if he was drinking tea right now, he would definitely spit on Mu Jingrui's face.

Seeing that Ye Han didn't respond, Mu Jingrui frowned, his face showing displeasure, and the chief executive Wang Gonggong next to him immediately said sharply: "General Ye, why don't you hurry up and thank the Lord for your kindness!"

Only then did Ye Han come back to his senses, and hurriedly begged for orders: "Your Majesty, please forgive me for not agreeing at the end!"

Mu Jingrui's face immediately became gloomy, and he stared at him coldly, all the ministers around him showed shock, and Yu Chiheng even winked at Ye Han vigorously.

Only Lingjun Qi didn't get angry, instead there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, this child really resembles him, he can do anything for the woman he loves.

"Presumptuous, how bold you are! How dare you disobey the emperor's order!"

The eunuch Wang Gonggong immediately picked up the orchid with his fingertips and shouted angrily.

"The last general did not disobey the emperor's order, but the last general already has a wife and children at home, so please take it back!"

"What? You have a wife?"

Mu Linlang couldn't believe her ears, she widened her eyes and said in surprise, she never thought that Ye Han had a wife.

But it's normal to think about it again. Seeing that he is not too young, and he looks so handsome and mighty, there must be a lot of young girls who want to marry him, and there is no need to worry about no wives.

However, Mu Linlang was not happy, she turned around and said to Mu Jingrui: "Father——"

"Oh, it's all right, good girl, he has a wife and children now, you..."

"I don't care, I want him! Father, I will not marry unless he is!"

Mu Linlang muttered in a low voice, and acted like a baby to Mu Jingrui.

Mu Jingrui really has nothing to do with her precious daughter. She wants all these men who have wives and children?
However, Mu Jingrui re-examined Ye Han again, not to mention, this young man is indeed extremely handsome, tall and strong, he is really a rare good man.

It's no wonder his daughter likes it so much.

He thought for a while, and said: "Ye Han, now I will make you the captain of the son-in-law again, and choose a day to marry Princess Linlang, there must be no mistake!"

Ye Han almost couldn't believe his ears, he already had a wife, the emperor was out of his mind, and wanted to make him a son-in-law, and choose another day to marry Princess Linlang?
"Your majesty, the last general's wife and children..."

"It's just a small country woman, how can she be worthy of my brave young general? Just abandon her!"

"Your Majesty, everyone says that a poor wife will never go to court, not to mention the last general's wife is also unparalleled in intelligence and beauty. No matter what, the last general will never divorce her!"

"Shut up! This is the emperor's order. Could it be that you dare to resist the order?"

Grand Chief Wang Gonggong screamed again.

Ye Han's face turned cold this time, and he said loudly: "Your Majesty can do anything, but please forgive me for not being able to do this! The Emperor has three thousand beauties in the harem, but the Majesty only has his wife in his heart !"


Mu Jingrui was so angry that he wanted to throw the table. Is this a disguised way to say that he is chaotic and has different motives?

Presumptuous, this is really a presumptuous brat!
Mu Linlang was also impatient, and scolded coquettishly: "General Ye, are you going to disobey the emperor's order and bring about a catastrophe of extermination for the sake of a country boy?"

Ye Han looked up at this unruly and willful princess, and said calmly: "The last general is not afraid of death!"


"However, if you want to implicate your wife and children because of this, you will end up fighting to the end!"

"You... arrogant!"

Mu Jingrui was furious, this kid dared to speak ironically, he didn't want to live anymore, did he?
(End of this chapter)

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