Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 869 Why Are You Helping Me?

Chapter 869 Why Are You Helping Me?

"Bold, you Ye Han, dare to disobey the imperial decree, come here, drag him out, and behead him!"

Mu Jingrui was so angry that he trembled all over. There was a Lingjun Qi who dared to disrespect him before, so he endured it. After all, he knew that Lingjun Qi was terrible, and he was incapable of fighting, so he could only win him over.

But Ye Han, this fledgling brat actually dared to defy him openly, which really made Mu Jingrui tremble with anger, feeling that his imperial authority had been seriously damaged!

But Mu Linlang couldn't bear it, and immediately shouted: "Father..."

Mu Jingrui really can't do anything about his daughter, even the other party doesn't want her, but she is so shameless that she wants to turn her back?

"Lin Lang, as the most honorable princess in Daqian, how can you belittle yourself so much? If this son had agreed, it would be okay, but now he openly resists, which is embarrassing our royal family! How can you... "

"Father, he's just one-sided. Maybe if you make him suffer a little bit, you'll know how powerful he is?"

Mu Linlang muttered softly.

Mu Jingrui thought for a while, and finally said: "Take him down, and put him in...the Prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice!"

Immediately, guards came up and wanted to take Ye Han down.

Ye Han's complexion darkened, and he got up to resist. At this moment, the cold voice sounded again: "Hold on, Your Majesty!"


Mu Jingrui really wanted to flip the table.

But in the end, he still suppressed the anger in his heart, and said coldly: "What's the matter, my lord?"

A "again" indicates that Mu Jingrui is in a bad mood at the moment.

Ling Jun Qi raised his eyes, looked directly at him, and slightly raised the corner of his mouth, making Mu Jingrui's heart tremble, knowing that this guy was going to trip him up again.


"Your Majesty, I would rather demolish ten temples than destroy one marriage. Please think twice about this matter."


Mu Jingrui looked at Lingjun Qi's calm and composed appearance, and then thought about his current appearance of being out of breath, the reprimanding words on his lips were held back for a long time, but he didn't say a word.

Finally, he sighed dejectedly, and slammed the table: "Retire!"

I'm not in the mood to go up to court again, or I'll be pissed off by this man!

Seeing that things were not going to work, Mu Linlang was so anxious that she called out "Father Emperor". Unfortunately, Mu Jingrui's current mood was completely destroyed by the sudden appearance of Lingjun Qi, so she didn't have any more thoughts to pay attention to her.

With his hands on his back, he quickly went down.

When the courtiers saw the emperor leaving, it took a long time to come back to their senses, and then they shouted "Long live, long live, long live", and followed in a file.

Ye Han was left hanging on the Golden Luan Hall like this, for a long time, when the hall was empty, Yu Chiheng pulled him and let him come out.

In fact, Ye Han wasn't scared, but completely dumbfounded.

There was Lingjun Qi on the Golden Luan Hall, but he did not leave.

He looked at him and asked curiously, "Why did the prince help me?"

The one who yelled at him and his wife Qiao'er before, now actually speaks for him at the risk of offending the emperor?
Why do you think this painting style is very discordant?

Lingjun Qi stared at the dragon chair above the Golden Luan Hall for a long time, and then said slowly, with an extremely magnetic voice: "I have nothing to do, I just want to fight against him."


Ye Han was stunned.

On the other hand, Yu Chiheng had a look of reason, he was one of the few courtiers who knew about the gap between Lingjun Qi and Mu Jingrui back then.

It is reasonable for Lingjun Qi to behave like this today, no one will doubt it.

But Yu Chiheng was not a fool, he vaguely guessed what happened, but he just didn't dare to say it.

He is not afraid of offending the emperor, but offending His Royal Highness Yongling King... unless he thinks it will take a long time.

 Why does King Yongling like to have trouble with the emperor?Hee hee, it was mentioned earlier ⊙⊙!
(End of this chapter)

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