Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 870 Let me remind you!

Chapter 870 Let me remind you!
Ye Han naturally didn't believe Lingjun Qi's reason, it was too far-fetched.

"Although the prince refuses to tell the truth, I still want to thank the prince for his righteous help in today's matter. The boy owes the prince a favor. If the prince is useful to the boy in the future, just do what he wants."

Ye Han said sincerely that he always treats those who help him with courtesy.

But after a pause, he said again: "But, let me leave Qiao'er, it's absolutely impossible!"

Lingjun Qi glanced at him indifferently, and said: "I don't care about the affairs between you."

He said he was indifferent, but just now he didn't know who was so eager to help Ye Han excuse?
Ye Han knew very well that this Yongling King was also cold-faced and warm-hearted!
He smiled: "Thank you, my lord!"

Then I want to leave.

"Wait a moment!"

Lingjun Qi spoke again.

Ye Han turned around and saluted him: "I don't know what else the lord wants?"

Lingjun Qi raised his eyelids, this kid's mind is like a mirror, he can see through his mind, but to be honest, he said he doesn't care about your business, but which parent in the world can really abandon their children and ignore them thing?

At that moment, he said lightly: "Your wife is pregnant."

Ye Han said: "I know this, I guess the child can call mother by now, I have to go home quickly, I can't let Qiaoer wait for me for too long!"

"The child hasn't been born yet."


Ye Han's footsteps were stiff for a moment, as if frozen, motionless.

Pregnant in October, it has been more than ten months, how could there be no birth?

Unless that child is not him... No, that is absolutely impossible!

Qiaoer will not do anything to be sorry for him!

"Yuchi, you have retreated!"

Ling Jun Qi wanted to say something very important to Ye Han, so he naturally didn't want to have an extra candle by his side, so he immediately glanced at him coldly.

Yu Chiheng was so frightened that he trembled all over. Even though he was the Grand Marshal who was on the battlefield, when he faced this Yongling King, he felt that he was so small that he could be ignored, so he ran away immediately.

The fierce reputation of this prince seems to be far beyond imagination.

However, Ye Han is not in the mood to pay attention to these things now, because Lingjun Qi's words are too disturbing for him. He has been away for a whole year and a half, but the child in his wife's womb has not been born for a long time. Doesn't this tell him that the child's father is not He, he was green!
Noticing Ye Han's pale complexion and slightly trembling arms, Lingjun Qi sighed softly: "It's normal to not be born for more than ten months after being pregnant, don't be fooled by some rumors. Everything depends on your heart." And look!"

Lingjun Qi woke up to this point, and stopped talking, and said that he wanted to reveal his secrets.

Ye Han's mind is in a mess right now, so he only listened to part of what he said, and said absently, "Got it..."

After finishing speaking, he walked out of the hall in a daze.

"She came to Shengjing!"

Ye Han was slightly taken aback, then turned his head suddenly: "She... is here?"


"Why are you telling me?"

"If this king doesn't tell you, you will just go to Guangling, and you will return to Shengjing in the end, so why bother? How good is this king doing this favor?"

Ye Han was startled again, in a trance, he understood something, and the previous haze was swept away: "I see, thank you, my lord!"

As Ye Han said, he ran out extremely fast, he was going to see his wife!
Regardless of her pregnancy, Qiao'er came all the way to Shengjing to find him, how could he not trust her?
Pregnant in October, and now more than ten months pregnant, Lingjun Qi reminded himself that there must be other strange things in it, and he can't mess up first!
(End of this chapter)

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