Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 872 Take it away and deal with it!

Chapter 872 Take it away and deal with it!

Mrs. Sun blurted out, and in the next second, she was about to scream.

However, Lingjun Qi had expected this earlier, raised his index finger lightly, and three silver needles flew out, piercing their dumb acupuncture points at once!


Sun couldn't make a sound for a while, and Ye Dahai and Ye Jing were the same. They covered their throats, made noises, and stared at him with startled eyes, dilated pupils, as if they still didn't believe it!

Lingjun Qi, the God of War prince who has always been known as "mysterious" and has a magical color, is...Ye Han's biological father?

This... how is this possible?

How could Ye Han have such a noble father?
Especially when they thought about the honor and status that even Emperor Mu Jingrui treated Lingjun Qi with a kind face and face in the Golden Palace. What kind of honor and status is this?
How could such a terrifying man be Ye Han's biological father?


Ye Dahai was frightened and frightened, his Qi and blood were not smooth, he spat out the last mouthful of blood, his eyes turned white, and he passed out!

Ye Jing and Sun's were not much better, their pupils widened, and they realized that they were going to die!
This terrifying man, who is not even considered by the emperor, after learning that they have abused Ye Han so much, is he going to... how to abuse and punish them?

Sun and Ye Jing were panicked, but there was still a glimmer of hope in their hearts, hoping that Lingjun Qi Wang would let them go if they spared Ye Han's life when he was still a baby.


"On the first day of the lunar new year, Yongyuan, take them back to the palace, put them in the underground prison, and keep them under strict guard, so there will be no work!"


boom!Her brain exploded, and Sun was stunned!

Ye Han left the palace in a hurry, but there were no guards stopping him along the way.

Some guards even smiled at him?
This made Ye Han a little confused.

But soon, Ye Han understood why.

Because he was the person who was guaranteed by King Yongling, so he was highly valued by King Yongling. Are these people trying to curry favor with him?

Ye Han wanted to laugh.

Of course, he doesn't have the heart to pay attention to these now, because returning to his heart is like an arrow.

He's going to see Qiaoer, to see his precious child!


When Ye Han stepped out of the palace gate, he was stunned.

Shengjing is so big, where can he find Qiaoer?
Alas, I should have asked King Yongling if I knew about it.

He randomly found a guard and asked, "Where is the prince?"

The guard actually understood, and said with a smile: "General Ye, the prince and concubine have already returned to the residence. The prince said that these trivial matters are still up to you, the general."


The corner of Ye Han's mouth twitched violently, he just asked casually, how did you know what I was going to ask, King Yongling?Even trivial matters, finding a wife is not a trivial matter!

But he didn't say anything, after all, King Yongling had already taken good care of him today, and he owed him a huge favor by helping him prevent two catastrophes in a row.

He led the black horse that belonged to him, and shuttled through the crowd.

The people around looked at him with strange eyes, some curious, some awed, some scared...

Ye Han realized something.

Someone saw what happened on the street before, but not everyone saw it. Besides, he was going in a different way now, so it was impossible for anyone to recognize him.

It's not his personal problem, the problem naturally lies in the armor on his body, well, it's true that he doesn't fit in very well.

He turned around and went to a clothes store, changed into a clean and refreshing white narrow-sleeved Hu suit, led the horse, and walked slowly among the crowd.

His handsome appearance caused many girls along the street to look sideways and point at him.

(End of this chapter)

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