Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 873 Take the wrong medicine?

Chapter 873 Take the wrong medicine?

"He's so handsome, I really want to take him back and be his son-in-law!"

"That's right, I've never seen such a handsome young man, hehehe..."


Many small words fell into Ye Han's ears.

Ye Han looked at the masked girls who were staring at him with green eyes, looked at the thick layer of rouge and gouache on their faces, and pursed his mouth: "Vulgar powder!"

His voice was neither too low nor too loud, just enough for the nearby girls to hear.

Immediately, she was so feminine that she rushed up and hit Ye Han: "Bastard, what are you talking about?"

"That's right, you really think Miss Ben is easy to bully, don't you?"

Chirping... Someone even grabbed an egg from an egg stand by the street and threw it at Ye Han.

"It's just that women and villains are difficult to raise... No, it's good men who don't fight women!"

Ye Han was speechless, immediately got on his horse and galloped towards a place where there were few people.

Naturally, the fierce girls behind couldn't catch up, so they could only stare with anger.

Ye Han ran all the way, finally got rid of these annoying women, and then came to a river, got off his horse, but he didn't know where to go?

"Qiaoer, where are you?"

He muttered silently, staring at the river in a daze.


"Sister, sister, hey, I said you should go outside and have a look, something serious happened!"

Shen Qiqiao felt that the fetus in her womb was a little restless these few days, and the fetus was constantly moving, so she was recuperating.

It happened that I didn't sleep well last night, so I didn't wake up until very late in the morning. When I realized that today was the return of the army and wanted to run to see it, it was too late.

"You said that Ye Dahai's family of three blocked the way on the street, accusing Ye Han of infidelity, injustice, and filial piety?"

Shen Qiqiao stared with wide eyes, very displeased.

She never expected that Ye Dahai and his wife would go to Shengjing by accident to create trouble for Ye Han?
What's more, I didn't expect that they succeeded in making a fuss, and even made a fuss in the Golden Luan Palace?

This is a great disadvantage to Ye Han!
"No, I'm going to see what's going on?"

"Oh, sister, you are not in good health, so don't get up! I'm afraid this matter is over, and the judgment is probably now!"

Shen Lanzhi asked Shen Qiqiao to continue to rest, and said: "I guess I will be punished if I don't talk about it!"

Shen Qiqiao was speechless: "Damn girl, knowing that he will be punished, you told me not to go, are you deliberately trying to kill me? Tell me, what good will it do you if your sister dies of anger?"

"Sister, it's not good for me if you're too busy!"

Shen Lanzhi was speechless, this time she also tried her best to dissuade Shen Qiqiao from getting up.

After all, things happen.

"Report, report—new situation!"

At this moment, Jiang Yifan suddenly trotted in, and said out of breath, "Well... I just heard the news that Ye Han... is fine, cough cough... that... Yongling King will protect him, it's fine, cough cough... "

Shen Qiqiao was drinking the anti-fetal medicine, when she heard that, the medicine bowl in her hand fell and shattered with a bang.

"What? The King of Yongling is trying to protect him?"

"Yes... yes, Mrs. Ye, what's the matter?"

"You didn't make fun of me, did you? Yongling King Libao Ye Han?"


Jiang Yifan's eyes were strange, which was clearly something to be thankful for, it meant that Ye Han had entered the eyes of King Yongling, why was Shen Qiqiao so unhappy?
Actually, Luo Qingyun was not happy either, he frowned and thought: "What kind of medicine is sold in this Yongling King's gourd? Or did he... take the wrong medicine? Hmm..."

(End of this chapter)

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