Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 874 Won't Betray!

Chapter 874 Won't Betray!

Luo Qingyun was muttering, when Shen Mu covered her mouth.

"Walls have ears, do you want to die? On the Golden Luan Hall, even today's majesty dare not say no to King Yongling. You actually said that he took the wrong medicine. Do you think life is too long, Brother Luo? If you think life is too long, you commit suicide Ah, don't bother us, okay?"

"That's right, brother Luo, with white silk three feet long, a glass of poisonous wine, and a dagger handle, we firmly have no objection!"

"Fuck, do you guys want to die? Do you think that joining forces is the opponent of this genius doctor? Come on, let's practice our hands, do you want to?"

"Ah, sister, brother Luo is going to bully people again!"

There was a lot of noise in the room.

Shen Qiqiao likes to be quiet recently. Hearing the noise, his head hurts, and he yelled angrily: "Stop! What are you doing all the noise? Are you trying to annoy me to death? Hurry up and get out of here!"

Shen Mu, Jiang Yifan, Luo Qingyun, Shen Lanzhi, the four looked at me and looked at you, they all kept silent in a tacit understanding, and then ran away with a whoosh!

Shen Qiqiao's head hurts, these people are really... so noisy!

Suddenly, her heart moved, as if she had some sense, the fetus in her womb kicked her again.

But this kick, not only did not make her weak, but her body became stronger, and she wanted to go out for a walk.

She hesitated for a while, but finally gritted her teeth and got up to go out.

Outside, the four of them were still arguing, seemingly endlessly.

Shen Qiqiao was annoyed when she saw it: "If you make trouble again, everyone will be kicked out of this yard!"


Several people immediately shut up.

Shen Qiqiao supported her five- to six-month-old belly, put her hands on her hips, and walked out slowly.

"Brother Luo, you just said that Ye Han was saved by King Yongling?"


"So you say, where is he now?"

"Well, needless to say, since the King of Yongling saved him, he must be in the Palace of the King of Yongling, and he is swearing allegiance to him!"

"Come on, stop blowing it up, Ye Han is not that kind of person! You won't be exempted from allegiance!"

Shen Qiqiao rolled her eyes, she really didn't want to pay attention to Luo Qingyun, who brags and doesn't write drafts.

Jiang Yifan came up, frowned and said, "Not in the palace? Where would it be?"

"Where else can I be? I must be looking for my sister!"

Shen Lanzhi jumped up and down, said with a smile, and then ran outside.

"Lanzhi, don't run around!"

Shen Qiqiao wanted to catch up, but the fetus in her womb was restless, she took a few steps and had to stop to catch her breath.

Ye Han was leading the horse and walking aimlessly. Suddenly, laughter came from an alley in front of him, and Ye Han's heart shook!
This voice...why does it sound familiar, like...Shen Lanzhi's?
Immediately afterwards, Ye Han heard the voice that he had missed for a whole year and a half!
"Lanzhi, slow down, my sister... I can't run anymore..."

"Sister, why hasn't your belly been born for more than ten months? It's so annoying. Do you want to ask Dr. Luo to take it out for you! Ah... it hurts..."

"Damn girl, what nonsense are you talking about? Sister, the bad thing is... It's a god fetus, dead girl, take it out, you want to die, don't you?"

"Wow, it hurts..."

Ye Han stood there in a daze, listening to the noise of their sisters, his face was full of surprise, Qiaoer...it was his Qiaoer!

He knew that Qiao'er would not betray him!

(End of this chapter)

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