Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 883 Don't bother with this matter!

Chapter 883 Don't bother with this matter!

Ye Han looked at King Yongling with [-]% suspicion, but the other party just smiled lightly, very calm.

Ye Han became more suspicious.

On the other hand, Shen Qiqiao, as if she had realized something, turned around and said to Ye Han: "Ye Han, since the lord said so, it means that our child is fine, so we just need to wait for the right time and give birth naturally!"

Ling Junqi nodded, this girl was in a cheerful mood, she was pregnant for seventeen months without giving birth, an ordinary woman would have been scared out of her wits, but she was so calm.

No wonder I didn't show any panic when I said that she had the spirit of death in her body, that she was a dead person wearing the flesh of a living person.

Ye Han pondered for a moment, and then stopped being entangled in this matter, but abruptly took out a jade tablet and handed it over: "Does the lord know this thing?"

Lingjun Qi Leng suddenly saw the jade tablet, and there was a trace of strangeness in his eyes, but he quickly covered it up.

Unfortunately, she was still noticed by Shen Qiqiao.

He reached out to take the jade token, squeezed it in the palm of his hand: "The quality is good! Is it for this king?"

Ye Han frowned slightly, and he also saw the strange look in Lingjun Qi's eyes just now. The other party clearly knew something, but he pretended to be ignorant, which is really puzzling.

At the same time, this also made their hearts sink. The "Nine Gates Grotto" involved in this jade card seems to be so fearful even by King Yongling!

"Since the prince doesn't know, then give me the jade card!"

"How can there be any reason to take back what is sent out?"

Lingjun Qi smiled, and immediately confiscated the jade token.

Ye Han stepped forward to fight for it, but it's a pity that Lingjun Qi's kung fu is obviously better than Ye Han's.

Although Ye Han has learned a lot of martial arts in the military camp for more than a year, compared with a year and a half ago, he has made great progress, but unfortunately, he still cannot beat Lingjun Qi.

On the side, Shen Qiqiao suddenly said: "Your Highness is so obsessed with this jade tablet, you must know something, why don't you say it clearly? Could it be related to your Highness?"

Lingjun Qi's face darkened, and the little girl buttoned her hat indiscriminately.

Since both parties are not foolish, Lingjun Qi simply said: "You don't need to worry about this matter anymore!"


"The water is too deep for this matter, and this king doesn't even want to get involved, let alone you?"

Ling Jun Qi looked at the jade tablet again, and sighed: "If you don't want to bring disaster, then don't touch this matter again, this jade card is confiscated by me, if you have nothing else to do, you can go back!"

"My lord?"

Ye Han was stunned. The King of Yongling didn't even care about the emperor, but he didn't want to involve the Nine Gates Grottoes?It can be seen that the inside story of this matter is indeed amazing.

But the more mysterious things are, the more curious Ye Han and Shen Qiqiao are, and they can't help but want to find out!
Lingjun Qi naturally saw what the young couple was thinking, and once again warned solemnly: "Curiosity killed the cat, don't do anything reckless!"

Ye Han and Shen Qiqiao looked at each other, knowing that there was no way to find out why, so they could only take their leave first and leave.

"see a visitor out!"

Lingjun Qi said indifferently, after Ye Han and the others left, he quickly summoned Chu Yi: "Keep an eye on them, especially their every move during this period of time!"

"This..." The first day of the junior high school was stunned, and immediately responded, "This subordinate understands!"


Chu Yun came out from behind the flower hall, a layer of mist appeared in his bright eyes, it was obvious that he had cried just now.

Ling Jun Qi felt a little distressed, and reached out to caress the corner of her eyes: "Don't be sad, there will always be a day when we will recognize each other."

"Well... Aqi, just now, why don't you let them care?"

(End of this chapter)

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