Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 884 Story!

Chapter 884 Story!

Chu Yun has been hiding behind the flower hall and watching Ye Han silently. Looking at this young man who looks seven points like her husband, she is sure that this is her child who has been missing for many years!

So she listened more carefully and attentively to what Ye Han and Shen Qiqiao said than anyone else, so of course she should ask carefully now.

Lingjun Qi lowered his eyes, hugged Chuyun in his arms, and said softly: "This is a long story! It's a very long story, do you want to hear it?"

"Stories? Don't you know that I like to hear weird stories? Tell me!"

As soon as Chu Yun said that, she burrowed into Lingjun Qi's arms. She has fallen in love with his arms since a long time ago.

"This starts with the fact that the imperial power is ordered by the sky. Since the creation of the world, when the human emperor ruled the world, he used the five-colored sacred stone as a guide to create the jade seal of Chengtian. All subsequent dynasties have this jade seal and claim to be orthodox.

However, since the wars among the kings in the last years of the Zhou Dynasty 1000 years ago, this jade seal has disappeared. Therefore, the imperial power changed frequently in later dynasties. "

Chu Yun was surprised, why did he think that A Qi said too far?

But she still listened carefully.

"The current Holy Majesty was originally just a humble prince who was born out of a maidservant. He was sent to Ganzhou County, the place where he was enfeoffed when he was young. At that time, I was also seriously injured. For benefactor, brother.

Later, the princes fought for power, and the court was bloody.His mother was implicated and died, so he wanted revenge.

I was grateful for his kindness in helping him back then, so I agreed to help him. It just so happened that the Empress Dowager did not want any powerful prince to ascend the throne, so she joined hands with me to make him ascend the throne!

After I was successful, I left Shengjing and traveled all the way to practice and practice. Finally, I met you in Yundang Mountain, Chuyun! "

"Well, as I remember, you had injuries on your face and had to wear an iron mask. In the end, I laughed at you for being cowardly and not daring to show your true colors!"

Lingjun Qi smiled lightly, and reached out to scratch the tip of Chuyun's small nose, "The utensils that hurt me contained a curse, which made the wound unable to heal for a long time. The emperor also asked a famous doctor to help me see it, but it couldn't be cured. Thanks to my father-in-law's help." There is a bottle of elixir on it, otherwise my face might be ruined."

"I only know that the emperor thinks highly of you, but I didn't expect that there is such a relationship. Well, Aqi, are you telling the wrong story?"

"Not at all. Later, the border war broke out, and the emperor called me back to help. During the war with Nanyue Kingdom, I accidentally learned of the whereabouts of the divine stone jade seal.

You have to know that the emperor's improper position has always been his heart disease, but if he can find the whereabouts of the jade seal, it will be destiny.

After the border war ended, the emperor desperately wanted to get the jade seal, so he and I went out of the palace in disguise to look for it.

When we passed through Changhu County, we were assassinated, and the emperor was captured by a mysterious man.I chased it all the way, and I arrived at the place pointed by the jade tablet. "

"Nine Gates Grottoes? Tianzihao?"

Chu Yun looked at the jade tablet in Lingjun Qi's palm, showing confusion.

"Well, the Nine Gates Grottoes are very mysterious. At that time, when I went in, I had a narrow escape to save the emperor. Because we were all injured and worried about being hunted down, we hid ourselves. But at this time, Chu Yun, something happened to you Already!"

"During the fire in the palace, Concubine Hua and I were both in labor, but it was too late for emergency treatment, and the child died in the flames. At that time, I thought it was my child, because Concubine Hua had already fled away with the child..."

Ling Jun Qi covered Chu Yun's small mouth with his hand, fearing that the more she spoke, the more sad she would become.

"Chuyun, back then, the emperor and I were hunted down by mysterious people, and the palace was on fire...everything was weird. You have been unconscious for 20 years, and I have no intention to investigate, but now you It has been recovered, I will find out this matter bit by bit, but I don't want him to be involved!"

"Well, then, you have to be careful!"

"Don't worry, I'm fine!"

(End of this chapter)

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