Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 885 Princess Linlang Comes to the House!

Chapter 885 Princess Linlang Comes to the House!
"Ye Han, even the King of Yongling doesn't want to get involved in this matter. If you want to investigate it, I'm afraid it will be very difficult."

Shen Qiqiao frowned.

On the way back, she was thinking about this question.

Not to mention that Li Zhiqing's father was captured by this group of people, even if they were hunted down before, they might have formed an enmity with each other, and if they want to get rid of it now, they may not be able to get rid of it.

They just showed the jade plaque to Lingjun Qi, and didn't mention that they were hunted down halfway.

Since there was no progress in the matter, they didn't stay for long and went back to the general's mansion.

When she came outside the mansion, Shen Qiqiao frowned when she saw a gorgeous sedan chair.

Immediately, Ding from the General's Mansion greeted him and said, "Master, Ma'am, Princess Linlang is waiting in the main hall!"

"Princess Linlang?"

When Ye Han heard this, his thick eyebrows were slightly condensed, and his face showed displeasure.

He looked at the servant, who just bowed and smiled at him.

Ye Han was disgusted, and looked around again, with a decision in his heart.

The servants in these houses were all assigned by the imperial palace. On the surface, Ye Han and Shen Qiqiao were the masters, but in fact, in their hearts, they probably only cared about members of the royal family like Mu Linlang!

These dog minions must be cleaned up!
Ye Han snorted softly, and strode in with a dark face. The servant next to him shuddered inexplicably, his spine felt cold, and at the same time, a trace of regret arose in his heart.

Shen Qiqiao followed behind, and when she saw her man getting angry, she raised the corners of her mouth, provoking Ye Han is terrible, and the consequences are very serious!
The princess is afraid that she is going to be unlucky!
"Big sister, who are you? What are you doing at my house?"

Shen Lanzhi saw Mu Linlang, who was sitting at the top of the main hall, tilting her head to look around. For some reason, she felt very uncomfortable when she saw this big sister, as if she wanted to grab something from her.

Shen Lanzhi looked at Mu Linlang with vigilance.

beside.Shen Mu was also looking at Mu Linlang.

She was wearing a gorgeous embroidered brocade dress with cloud sleeves, gold and jade necklaces stuck in her hair, strings of pearl and agate necklaces, and delicate ice jade on her wrist...

This outfit alone is definitely worth a hundred gold!
"Are you... from the royal family?"

When Mu Linlang came in, she just gave a few maids a compliment, and they went off to work on their own, without telling Shen Lanzhi and Shen Mu who came.

That's why the two are guessing here.

Mu Linlang didn't expect that this young man who seemed to be only thirteen or fourteen years old could see through her identity at a glance. He was surprised, but also somewhat proud.

"Hmph, you boy, you have a vision! Well, it would be great if General Ye Han had your vision!"

Mu Linlang pursed her lips, feeling very unhappy.

Especially thinking about how Ye Han openly rejected her in the Golden Luan Palace last time, and what he said about "the wife of a dross will not go to court"!
It really annoyed her!
Today she came to Ye Mansion specially, just to see what a woman who can have such a perfect man as Ye Han looks like, and what qualifications does she have to compare with her, Mu Linlang?

"You...are that Princess Linlang?"

Shen Mu suddenly thought of it, and shouted loudly.

Mu Linlang was surprised: "You kid, you're such a big kid, I guessed it all!"

Shen Mu's heart sank, this rich woman is actually Princess Linlang who wants to snatch a man from her sister?

In this way, things are troublesome!
Mu Linlang said: "Hey, boy, when will this General Ye come back?"

"Princess Linlang, why are you here at my house?"

Almost at the same time, Ye Han's chilly voice also sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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