Chapter 892
"Besides, although I can't take part in the scientific examination, and I can't be an official in the capital, but I have a reputation, and I can be a local official after I go back. I think it's a great honor to benefit the people. Please You two don't need to worry about me!"

Li Zhiqing explained his plan, thanked Shen Qiqiao for taking care of him during this time, then packed his bags and left.

But before leaving, Shen Qiqiao still gave him a lot of money.

Although the friendship of friends is not about money, but if people want to travel far, how can they do it without encumbrance?She can't help him anymore, so she naturally wants to make up for it in other ways.

Li Zhiqing didn't want it at first, but he also knew that the couple felt uncomfortable because they couldn't help him, so he accepted it.


Time flies, one month has passed since Li Zhiqing left, and during this month, the Ye Mansion is peaceful, no one came to harass him.

Dagan has just won a battle, and the army has to rest and recuperate, so as long as there are no problems at the border, there will be no war for a long time, and the generals will be too idle to panic.

Yongling Palace.

In the back garden.

Cheerful laughter came from a swing surrounded by flowers and green leaves.

Chu Yun sat on it and swayed comfortably, playing with her two slender legs, her dress as thin as cicada's wings swayed in the wind, like a butterfly fluttering its wings.

Lingjun Qi was sitting not far away, in front of him was a long stone table half the height of a person, on which was spread white as jade fine white smoked rice paper, and the black ink on the side of his hand exuded a faint fragrance.

Lingjun Qi was writing, staring deeply at the beauty dangling in front of him, the corners of his mouth lightly revealing a satisfied smile.

He lowered his eyes, dipped a little ink, and gently sketched on the paper.

After a while, a bright, moving and graceful beauty appeared on the white paper.

She smiled with eyes closed, charming and charming, her lithe body was sitting on the swing, dangling in the lush forest, so beautiful and refined, you couldn't take your eyes off it!
Suddenly, the swing stopped, and Chu Yun happily jumped down from it, and ran to Ling Jun Qi with his skirt, and lay on him like a kitten: "A Qi, I want to see Xiao Han!"

Ling Jun Qi looked at this flag that looked like a girl's heart, and sighed softly, feeling too much helplessness in his heart.

Although he used the Fire Qiguo to force Chuyun to wake up, it did some damage to her after all, and her mind was like the girlish nature when he first met her.

Although she is a little naive, Lingjun Qi doesn't dislike her, he even likes her now, pure and flawless like a piece of white paper, reassuring, peaceful, and being with her is the happiest thing in life.

"Aqi, answer me!"

Chu Yun's two small hands scratched and scratched and scratched Ling Jun Qi's body, which made him very uncomfortable, his heart felt like being scratched hard by a small claw, itchy and soft.

He stretched out his hand to touch the other person's hair that was blown by the wind, and said softly: "You have to find a reason if you want to see him, have you thought about it?"


Chu Yun lowered his eyes and shed a tear. Yes, she and Ye Han are not familiar with each other, and they don't have any friendship at all. How can she meet him?
"Okay, don't be sad, I have a solution."

"What... what method?"

As soon as Chu Yun heard that he could see Ye Han, his dim eyes suddenly became brighter.

Ling Junqi: "The queen mother is about to celebrate her birthday. Although the emperor is not good to the queen mother, he must show his face. He will definitely hold a birthday banquet for the queen mother. When the time comes, he will invite all civil and military officials, and Ye Han will naturally be on the list."

"Is that so? That's great, I can see our baby!"

Chu Yun grinned, happy like a little peacock, chirping.

Lingjun Qi smiled and asked for nothing, as long as she was happy.

(End of this chapter)

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