Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 893 Don't Sleep

Chapter 893 Don't Sleep

"Master, madam, an invitation from the palace!"

Shen Qiqiao felt that the fetus was moving frequently these few days, and the weather was hot and boring, so she was resting at home to conceive.

Ye Han was by the side, peeling walnuts for her that are good for her brain.

Suddenly heard a voice from outside, it was the slave who had been taught a good lesson by her before, so she nodded: "You take it in!"


Ever since Shen Qiqiao made an example of others, these servants became much more peaceful, and never dared not to listen to her as before.

Especially the few maids who were timid and fearful and served by Shen Qiqiao's side were so frightened that they couldn't keep their wits about them. To beat and scold them.

Under such circumstances, Shen Qiqiao felt that life was not bad, although they were afraid of her, at least she was doing well, right?

No matter what other people think or think of her!
Ye Han took the invitation from the servants, and slowly unfolded it: "The Empress Dowager is going to hold a birthday banquet, and all civil and military officials are invited to come."

When Ye Han said this, he frowned.

Shen Qiqiao didn't understand what he was thinking: "Wouldn't it be nice to go to the birthday banquet? It's the Empress Dowager's birthday banquet. Since you're invited, I have to go."

"What about you?"

Ye Han said suddenly, which surprised Shen Qiqiao slightly.

Her small face was red, and she looked at the man approaching in front of her: "You... what are you doing, I'm fine, I'll be fine at home alone..."

He suddenly stepped forward, approached Shen Qiqiao, and gently pressed his forehead against her forehead: "If I enter the palace, that annoying Princess Linlang will pester me again, will you...will you be happy?"

Shen Qiqiao's face immediately darkened. Indeed, Princess Linlang coveted Ye Han, so she couldn't let her get close to him.

"Huh? Qiaoer?"

Ye Han looked at her darkened delicate face, with an imperceptible smile on her face, stepped forward and gently hugged her in his arms: "I, I won't go!"

"Ye Han, you are so kind to me!"

"Hmph, I'm your husband, if I'm not good to you, who is good to me?"

Ye Han stretched out his big hand, rubbed her hairy head, and then, fell down with a deep kiss.

Shen Qiqiao was slightly annoyed, and lingered with her...

Shen Mu was outside, and wanted to knock on the door to go in to see his sister, but when he heard the movement inside, his face froze slightly, and he didn't make any further movements.

Although he was only 13 years old, the children in the village were all precocious. Although Shen Mu was indifferent, he knew what it was. If he broke in suddenly at this time, he would be beaten into a pig's head by his brother-in-law.

He doesn't want to be like Brother Luo, bluffing around with a pig's head all day long, how embarrassing it is!

In the kitchen, Luo Qingyun, who was decocting medicine for Shen Qiqiao, sneezed inexplicably, rubbed his nose, thinking to himself, how could he still freeze in such a hot day?

Well, it's definitely not freezing, it's febrile disease, and it's hot!
Shen Mu left Shen Qiqiao's room, bored, and reading books behind closed doors at home all day was not very interesting, so he went to Jiang Yifan's room.

Jiang Yifan was taking a nap, after all, the weather was too hot, and the only way to relieve the scorching heat was to sleep and lie on the cold bamboo mat.

However, it was too hot, and Jiang Yifan still didn't fall asleep. When he noticed someone coming, he said annoyedly: "What are you doing, don't disturb my sleep!"

"Brother Jiang, get up, how about we go to the Qunxian Pavilion?"

(End of this chapter)

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