Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 897 One more game of chess!

Chapter 897 Another game of chess!

Finally, a game came to an end.

The old man chuckled: "Boy, you lost the second eye!"

"Thank you, old gentleman, for teaching me! It's my honor to lose to old gentleman Ermu!"


The old man laughed heartily.

At this time, Shi Shiran, a maid came forward with tea: "Master Lu, please have some tea!"

Shen Mu's ears were extremely sharp: "Master Lu?"

It's not that he's too sensitive, but that in Shengjing, the only people surnamed Lu are Lu Haoran's family!
Seeing the confused expression on the young man's face, someone nearby told him with a smile: "Boy, you are amazing, and you are appreciated by Mrs. Lu. I am afraid that you will have a bright future in the future!"

"Where is it, Mrs. Lu was a great talent in Shengjing City back then! Oh, no, he is a master of chess. I am lucky to be able to play chess with him..."

"Hey, that's not right, how did you win the second eye? Lord Lu cares too much for the younger generation, so did you give up?"

"It should be. Otherwise, with Mr. Lu's ability, how could he just win two eyes?"

There was a commotion all around.

Shen Mu was stunned, he never expected that he would meet such a famous person when he came to the Qunxian Hall casually?
You know, Lu Haoran's father, who is also the son of this old man, is the dean of the prestigious Imperial Academy, a first-rank bachelor!

This old man is also known as the Chess Master...

Its status must be extraordinary!
It's no wonder that he just casually placed a Tian Yuan, and he refused to let him continue, as expected, he is an expert, and he can see through his little trick at a glance.

Shen Mu felt a little ashamed, and quickly apologized to the old gentleman.

Old Master Lu had a heart of love for talents, so he didn't say goodbye to Shen Mu because of this, and asked him to stand up with a smile: "What's the name of the young man?"

"Boy Shen Mu! Shepherd Mu!"

"Well, how old is this year?"

Lu Ding smiled and looked at the boy he was optimistic about. Look at this boy, he is about 15 years old, right?


"The kid happens to be thirteen this year!"


Everyone heard the sound of the ceramic cup breaking, but Lu Ding obviously did not expect to get this answer, and the muscles on his face twitched slightly.

how can that be?

"Nonsense, 13 years old? Do you really think everyone is a three-year-old kid so easy to deceive? With such advanced chess skills, a 13-year-old can't do it at all!"

"That's right, or is it that the old man gave up half of your son?"

The so-called half naturally refers to the pieces on the entire chessboard.

This is humiliating.

Shen Mu's eyes were cold, and he swept across the group of people present, and finally fixed on the man in Tsing Yi who was mocking him, but he saluted respectfully: "I wonder if your Excellency will give you a favor? Play a game of chess with the kid?"

When everyone saw the man in blue and brocade clothes, they were slightly taken aback, with astonishment on their faces.

This person turned out to be Wei Yunxiao, son of Wei Heng, Minister of the Household Department!

This person has always been known as a little chess master, and his goal is to defeat Lu Dingze in front of him and become the next chess master.

And he is working hard towards this goal.

Now that a kid suddenly appeared to compete with him for the position, he was naturally displeased.

Shen Mu narrowed his eyes, knowing that this person is a high-ranking official and not easy to offend, so he smiled: "Please, Your Excellency!"

Wei Yunxiao didn't look at him, snorted softly, and came to the next chess game with his hands behind his back, as a polite gesture: "Please!"

Countless people watching the theater nearby, people with good deeds poured in one after another, and for a while, the place was overcrowded.

Chen Xueyun felt that she was about to be squeezed out by the crowd.

"Oh, don't squeeze, don't squeeze, miss, are you okay? Oh..."

(End of this chapter)

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