Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 898 What Hindered You?

Chapter 898 What Hindered You?

It was already afternoon when Shen Mu came out of the Qunxian Hall.

He looked calm, calm and composed, with a calm and breezy look.

Of course, no one noticed the ecstasy that flashed in his eyes.

He was holding the recommendation letter from the old man in his palm!
This is a letter of recommendation from the last senior scholar of the Hanlin Academy. As long as you accept this letter, you can go to the Hanlin Academy to take the assessment.

Once the examination is passed, one can naturally enter the Hanlin Academy to study.

Hanlin Academy is an academy for high-ranking officials and dignitaries, it is a Royal Academy. In it, there are palace nobles, countless collections of books and excellent teachers.

Given his hunger for knowledge, going to Hanlin Academy is really a good idea.

Although, he still has some fears about Hanlin Academy in his heart, after all, everyone in there is not simple, and he can't afford to offend them.

This is undoubtedly a kind of test for the interpersonal relationship that he has to manage carefully.

After all, a group of kings and grandchildren who have been living in rich clothes and fine food can't walk with these ordinary people, and may even look at you and do things that bully you.

It can be said that Shen Mu felt mixed feelings.

And when he walked out, there was obviously a burst of exclamation behind him.

"Awesome, who is this kid, and when did he appear? He was able to defeat Mr. Wei, who is known as the little chess master? Oh my god, I can't believe it!"

"Yeah, Mr. Wei often fights with Mr. Lu, and learned a lot of exquisite layout and dismantling. I thought he was sure of winning. The boy didn't want to be humiliated too much by him, so he wanted to learn from him, but the result..."

This is really self-inflicted, and you are looking for your own troubles!

"Actually, defeating Mr. Wei is a trivial matter. What is really shocking is that he got a letter of recommendation from Mrs. Lu. This is unique. Once he gets this letter of recommendation, won't he have a smooth journey? Who dares to offend this highly respected man?" The old prime minister?"

It turned out that Lu Haoran was a deputy prime minister before!
An extremely human minister!

No wonder so many people respect him so much!

Listening to the whispering behind, Shen Mu understood clearly.

Behind him, Jiang Yifan almost cracked to the root of his ears, and his jaw almost fell off.

My God, how could it be so powerful?
This kid is a freak, he has only studied for a short time, and he has just learned most of the big characters, and this chess...

And the chess records are basically obscure, how could he give...

Jiang Yifan was thinking, but Shen Mu had already forgotten to take a stroll at the booth on the other side. Now that he had the paperwork in hand, he could have a good time first, and then visit with the invitation.

Suddenly, Shen Mu's face turned cold, feeling that someone was following him, so he quickened his pace and walked towards a place where there were more crowds, hoping to get rid of the other party.

But I don't know why, the other party is like a piece of dog skin plaster, so I can't get rid of it if I put it on the back!
Shen Mu came to an alley and stopped.

There are still people going forward here, and if they shout a little, some people will know what happened here, and they don't worry about what these two people will do to them.

"Who are you and why are you following me?"

After Shen Mu stopped, he suddenly turned around and scolded. As a result, the master and servant who caught up were so frightened that they almost knelt on the ground.

At this moment, Shen Mu actually has the demeanor of a king!

Qingluo screamed in fright, but it was Chen Xueyun who smiled faintly and said: "My lord, did you misunderstand something? The road is facing the sky, each side walks, and your lord is walking ahead. When did we get in your way?"

(End of this chapter)

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