Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 899 Don't Follow Others From Now On

Chapter 899 Don't Follow Others From Now On

"Sorry, I didn't mean any harm!"

Chen Xueyun is slim and graceful, standing there like a banished fairy, peerless in the world, although she is dressed in men's attire, but it can be seen from her good looks that she is a resolutely handsome man.

Shen Mu saw that the other party seemed to have traces of Qiao Zhuang's disguise, so he couldn't help being curious, and stepped forward to take a look.

"No malice? Hmph, I didn't dare to show my true colors, because I was afraid that things would be exposed, so I put on a mask first? Hmph, it's clearly a daughter, but you still want to be a man?"

"You..." Chen Xueyun suddenly opened his eyes wide.

Dress up as a man!

How does he know this? He seems to be covering it up very well!
"You, how do you know... I'm a woman..."

"You have pinholes in your ears. It's caused by earrings. I don't know what's wrong?"

Shen Mu stared at Chen Xueyun's earlobe and sneered.

This action of his made Chen Xueyun's heart inexplicably painful!
"This... Young Master, it's not like this, you must have misunderstood something!"

"Misunderstanding? Hmph, then tell me, since it was a misunderstanding, why did you follow me?"

Shen Mu is also getting angry at this moment, after all, he is an elder, if he says nothing to him, when will it be this little woman's turn to say something about him?
"Hey, why are you such a hard-working person? It's your blessing that my young lady followed you. How can you be like... woo..."

The servant girl spoke quickly and chattered a lot, and by the time Chen Xueyun realized something, it was already too late, Shen Mu heard everything, and there was a strange expression on her face.

"Fufen? Your lady is..."

"Hmph, my young lady's seniority is noble, how can you know it casually?"

"Well, it's true, it's okay for a man to dress up as a woman, it must be to deceive others, whether it is a wanted criminal by the court, or a high-ranking official, I don't want to cause unnecessary troubles! This disguise is really good!"

"Why do I feel like you are talking ironically?"

Seeing that Shen Mu dared to humiliate them like this, saying that they were wanted criminals by the imperial court, Qingluo immediately became angry and complained for her young lady.

However, the thing that made Qingluo want to vomit blood, her own lady actually...

Chen Xueyun stepped forward slightly, and smiled lightly at Shen Mu: "I'm sorry, my lord, I was reckless before."

"This matter has nothing to do with you. It's because the maid around here is too noisy. Such a maid is not good, she needs to be replaced!"

"Okay, I know!"

Qingluo: ... Can you have fun, miss, why do you see that the man who is pleasing to the eye doesn't even want his slaves? Wuwuwu, Qingluo is so sad!

"Hey, let me tell you, girl, don't you have a crush on my little brother?"

Jiang Yifan didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, but now he actually added fuel and vinegar to it.

Sure enough, Chen Xueyun's face turned red immediately, impatiently, as for Qingluo, she was already angry!

She put her hands on her hips and said viciously: "Nonsense, you are clearly talking nonsense! How could my lady have a crush on an ordinary man? Ah bah, he is still a boy! 13 years old, one year younger than my master..."

"shut up!"

Listening to Jiang Yifan's nonsensical words, Chen Xueyun trembled with anger, and really didn't want to say anything to him!
No, I wanted to beat him up!
"Brother Yifan, although these two are sneaking around with us, they are a girl's family after all, don't ruin their reputation!"

Shen Mu frowned, telling Jiang Yifan to pay attention to his words and deeds, and finally glanced at Chen Xueyun: "You are a girl, don't run with other men like this next time, or you will fall into the wrong hands, and you will be in trouble!"

Chen Xueyun: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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