Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 900 Yes or No!

Chapter 900 Yes or No!

"Okay, girl, don't follow me anymore, please respect yourself! Farewell!"

Shen Mu bowed lightly to Chen Xueyun, turned and left.


Chen Xueyun was stunned, and habitually stretched out her hand to stop Shen Mu, but he turned around and disappeared into the crowd.

Her beautiful eyes froze slightly, her long eyelashes fluttered slightly, and there was a hazy mist floating in them, looking very pitiful.

"Miss, ma'am?"

"Go home!"

The faint voice sounded, but it contained a bit of melancholy, and the soft and soft voice made people feel very pity in the heart.

"Miss, that person is too much, how can he say that about you, he..."

"you shut up!"

Chen Xueyun was in a bad mood, and hearing the chirping of the maid beside her made her even more unhappy, especially thinking about what Shen Mu said before, she couldn't help raising her eyes, and asked, "Do you want this lady to replace you?"

"Ah? Miss, don't want it, please forgive me, Qingluo won't dare to talk too much in the future!"

"Hmph, it's good to know, this time I will bypass you for now!"

Chen Xueyun snorted softly, although there is something wrong with Qing Luo, but after all, she is a maid who has been with her for so long, like a sister, so it is not good to really do anything to her?


Shen Mu was in a good mood along the way, even though there was an episode of Chen Xueyun in the middle, it still couldn't conceal his inner joy.

Grandpa Lu Haoran's letter of recommendation is a great thing. With this joy, Shen Mu and Jiang Yifan returned to Ye Mansion soon.

"elder sister!"

As soon as he entered the mansion, he started yelling and shouting. Shen Qiqiao walked out of the inner hall slowly with her big belly, and beside her, Ye Han carefully supported her like holding jewels.

"Mu'er, why are you so happy? Your mouth is going to go up to the sky?"

"Sister, guess what!"

Shen Mu was overjoyed and let Shen Qiqiao guess as soon as he came up.

Shen Qiqiao was quite speechless, this younger brother is really good at torturing people, so I have to guess?

But she won't discourage her younger brother's playfulness, so she guessed from there: "Have you met the girl you like?"

"Cough!" The corners of Shen Mu's mouth twitched slightly, and he said in embarrassment, "Sister, can you stop talking nonsense! How can I, I'm still young, only 13 years old, and I'm not old enough to talk about marriage, okay? "

Seeing his nervous appearance, Shen Qiqiao even blushed a little on her cheeks, nodded and smiled: "That's right, it's time to find you a suitable marriage!"

Shen Mu: "..." Can you refuse?
Ye Han hugged Shen Qiqiao, carefully protecting her by his side, and looked back at the younger brother: "Why don't you thank me quickly?"


Shen Mu was extremely depressed.

Jiang Yifan is a person who doesn't think things are serious, but at this moment he said from the side: "Ye Han, Qiao'er, don't talk about it, Mu'er really has a girl following him along the way!"


Shen Qiqiao was a little dozed off at first, but she woke up at this moment. She stared in surprise with a pair of big watery eyes, shining brightly: "Really? Is there a woman behind my brother? Is it a female killer?"


Sister, if I were a female killer, would I be able to stand here alive?
Ye Han stretched out his hand to caress Shen Qiqiao's little head, and just one sentence made Shen Mu vomit blood: "Your brother, you have a lot of good luck!"

Shen Mu stomped his feet depressedly, very angry, with his hands on his hips, and said sternly: "Brother-in-law, Jiang Yifan, let me tell you carefully now, I don't know that woman at all! Don't put your hat on indiscriminately, okay?"

Shen Qiqiao glanced at her own man, then at her depressed younger brother, suddenly smiled and said, "Okay!"

(End of this chapter)

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