Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 973 There is a drought in Guangling!

Chapter 973 There is a drought in Guangling!

Su Shi hurriedly covered his face, afraid of being beaten.

Seeing this, Shen Qiqiao felt like laughing, for a moment she forgot the previous unhappiness, and asked instead: "Why did Sister Liu suddenly come to Shengjing?"

Just heard the news from Shengjing?It's not realistic.

Liu Ruxue said: "Aren't you worried about you?"

"Heh!" Shen Qiqiao rolled her eyes, "Who are you lying to? We're worried that we will go to Shengjing despite all the hardships? Tell me, what happened?"

Seen through the little trick, Liu Ruxue immediately felt embarrassed and squirmed, but Shen Qiqiao's eyes were very firm, so she couldn't drag her any longer, and said, "Something happened in Fenglin County."

Shen Qiqiao frowned slightly: "What happened?"


This time it was Su Shi who spoke, he sighed and returned with an indescribably lonely expression.

Shen Qiqiao frowned, revealing a thoughtful look: "What disaster?"


The other party was silent for a while before saying, "Drought disaster!"


Shen Qiqiao showed a strange look, it's autumn now, it doesn't look like there is a drought, right?
Autumn, it’s always a refreshing autumn, and everyone says that autumn is dry, and there is less water in autumn. What’s the problem?
Drought should be a word that is only spoken in summer, right?

Seeing Shen Qiqiao's suspicious expression, Su Shi smiled wryly and said, "Sister Qiaoer, it's late autumn now, and it's already snowing in the north, and Shengjing City in the Central Plains, in a few days, I'm afraid it will snow too. However... at Guangling, it's still like June Sky!"


Shen Qiqiao was stunned.

Is this abnormal weather?

It's almost November now, as usual, at this point, you have to buy cotton clothes, but according to what Su Shi said, it's still midsummer in the south.

As a result, the scorching heat becomes unbearable, and now it is autumn and dry, with less precipitation. This hot weather and less precipitation will naturally lead to drought.


Shen Qiqiao pondered, "How much impact will this have on the lives of the local people?"

Just ask casually.

It's not that Shen Qiqiao is such a saint, but because of her own tea business.

After all, Shen Qiqiao in Guangling entrusted Su Shi and his wife to take care of the entire tea house business, and they would also send over the account books from time to time, stating the turnover in it.

Right now, Thu said, there is a drought in Guangling, and many people can't drink water, so naturally... making tea is out of the question.

Phew—this is a very serious issue, not only related to people's livelihood, but also related to the money in their pockets!

Liu Ruxue was not very clear about this, after all it was a woman's opinion, but Su Shi still understood, he said, "The problem is very serious, there is a lack of water, needless to say the tea business has plummeted, the key point is that many people will die. "

"Oh? Why?"

"You don't know, there is a word called 'locust plague'?"

"The plague of locusts?"

"The plague of locusts comes after the drought!"

Ye Han's deep and magnetic voice cut in abruptly, which startled Shen Qiqiao.

Then she belatedly realized that when he went to Xiaocha Village, Guangling had a drought first, and then lack of rain and snow, which led to locust plagues in the second year.

Now, is this all over again?

Shen Qiqiao's expression became serious, but she shook her head from time to time, this matter has nothing to do with them, it is a matter of the imperial court, they only need to understand the situation and take countermeasures.

(End of this chapter)

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