Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 974 The way out has long been thought out!

Chapter 974 The way out has long been thought out!
"Sister Qiaoer, tell me, what should I do with this tree?"

Shen Qiqiao was thinking about how to deal with the locust plague, Liu Ruxue saw that she was thinking deeply, and she didn't want to disturb but was really eager to know the answer, so she asked.

Shen Qiqiao raised her head and looked at her.

Seeing the nervousness and anticipation on her small face...

Shen Qiqiao was shocked: "Then just move the tea business to Shengjing. Coincidentally, I plan to open a few shops in Shengjing to resume my old business."

Now that she has finished giving birth, she has sat in the confinement period, and has made some clothes for the child. She has nothing to do, so she can't be idle.

Alas, I am so exhausted, I just can't take it easy!

Shen Qiqiao originally planned to open a poppy shop after a while, and then open a restaurant. She even planned to open a restaurant of what kind, for example, a combination of Chinese and Western?

It's just that before these ideas were implemented, Su Shi's family came.

It was a coincidence, she was worried that she would not have any helpers, and with Su Shi and his wife, yes, the shop was able to open up!

When Liu Ruxue heard that Shen Qiqiao said that she would move to Shengjing to open a teahouse, she was also a little excited. Speaking of which, she also had thoughts about this prosperous city.

Although I can't live the life of a noble lady, it is good to do some business and live a little bourgeois life.

And Ye Han is still a general, with him protecting him, no one would dare to pay protection money on the government's territory, right?
This should not be a thing at the feet of the emperor, after all, it is not the far southern border of the emperor Shan Gao.

However, Liu Ruxue was a little worried and said: "Then... what about the people over there? Sister Qiaoer, when the drought is over and the locust plague comes, it will be the common people who will suffer. How many people will not be able to eat and will be starved alive die?"

"Well, so what?"

Shen Qiqiao tilted her head, showing a strange expression, wondering what this little girl is worrying about?
Although Liu Ruxue is one year older than her, but after all... she is younger than her real age!
"I'm thinking that so many people will suffer from hunger and suffering at that time, I can't bear it..."

Shen Qiqiao: "@#¥%..."

She looked at her with speechless eyes, "I said good sister, this matter seems to have nothing to do with us, right? This is a matter for the court, and naturally the court officials will deal with it. If you think so much, it's not called working for the people. This is called... Yue Zu acting as a substitute!"


Ye Han was drinking tea, and when he heard this, he spit it out in a very tasteless way.

Well, what my little daughter-in-law said is right, this is not working for the people, but acting on behalf of others, and if the people above know it, they will be blackmailed!

Liu Ruxue was obviously choked, she never expected that Shen Qiqiao would say that, she opened her small cherry mouth in shock, looking at Shen Qiqiao as if she saw a stranger.

"Sister Qiao'er, Guangling... No, the people in Fenglin County are all our fathers and folks. Don't you care about them? Don't you help them? Even... think of a way out for them..."

You can't be so sympathetic!
Shen Qiqiao ignored Liu Ruxue's resentful and expectant eyes, but sipping tea by herself, she took a sip of her mouth lightly, hummed lightly, and said, "Actually, Sister Liu, I have given them the way out a long time ago. Think it over, it’s just a pity that some people are not good.”

Liu Ruxue was even more surprised: "The way out? What way out?"

Shen Qiqiao smiled, pointed to the ground, and then pointed to a purple sweet potato cake on the table: "It!"


(End of this chapter)

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