Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 975 Things are a little tricky!

Chapter 975 Things are a little tricky!
In the evening, Shen Qiqiao left Su Shi and Liu Ruxue to have dinner at her own home, which was a cleansing of the dust.

The next step is to ask Su Shi and Liu Ruxue to take the money they brought and go to the bustling streets of Shengjing to find a rented shop. If they can buy it, then just buy it directly, don't care about the money.

After all, having a shop of your own is much more convenient than renting a shop.

In the middle of the night, Liu Ruxue and Su Shi left Ye Mansion in a carriage.

After they left, in the room, Ye Han was holding a sweet potato in his hand.

"This thing can prevent locust plagues?"

"Well, this sweet potato mainly eats roots. You know, roots grow underground, and locusts, they just eat crops on the ground. Sweet potatoes are tenacious, even if the vines on them are eaten up. , as long as the underground roots are not damaged, it will not affect the yield too much."

Ye Han immediately understood: "So, after listening to your words, the farmers who planted a large area of ​​sweet potatoes are completely able to survive this disaster?"

"Bingguo, you're right! As long as they're not particularly stupid, don't be too ostentatious, these sweet potato roots are stored in their own cellar, and when the food is gone, it's easy to use sweet potatoes to satisfy their hunger and provide the most basic life needs!"

Ye Han stared at Shen Qiqiao, watching that alluring little cherry mouth opening and closing to say these words, all the notes that came out of her mouth were confident notes, Ye Han wanted to pounce on her for a moment and eat her Lose.

Yes, eat it!

Because, too charming!

Sweet and soft!
Weighing the sweet potato in his hand, Ye Han laughed, "Girl is really smart, to be so far-sighted."

"Hey, it's actually okay, this is still due to you!"

"Oh, why?"

"It was you who told me that shortly after you came to this village, you were hit by drought and locust plagues!"


Ye Han shrugged, co-authoring is still his name as a broom star to bring inspiration to his little daughter-in-law, ha ha!
This cute little daughter-in-law really made him want to stop!

"But what?"

"I think we can't stay out of it!"

Shen Qiqiao frowned slightly, thinking of Ye Han's identity, a general of a country...

The emperor didn't like him, but if the emperor transferred him to Guangling County under the pretext of disaster relief... it might not be impossible!

Ye Han quickly understood what Shen Qiqiao meant, and his expression darkened.

That's right, since such a serious incident happened in Guangling County, the court must have heard about it, and perhaps the court is already arguing about it endlessly.

At that time, the disaster relief governor will definitely be sent, and then the army will help provide military support and logistical assistance.

At this time, the emperor sitting high in the temple suddenly played a dirty trick and asked Ye Han to go to the border under the pretext of disaster relief. What should we do?To go or not to go?
Going there, God knows whether it is the Ye Mansion that will be in danger, or Ye Han?

If he didn't go, the emperor would take off the big hat of "saving the common people". If Ye Han didn't go, he would definitely be scolded and betrayed by countless people.

It is even tolerated by the world!

Thinking of this, Shen Qiqiao's mood was not very good.

King Yongling could help them once, but he couldn't. He always helped them, right?That's not really an ordinary foster father and foster son relationship, and I'm afraid it will arouse the suspicion of interested people.

"Tomorrow, I'll go to Marshal Yuchi's mansion!"

Finally, Ye Han said.

(End of this chapter)

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