The Lady Falls from the Sky: The Enchanting Husband Is Addicted

Chapter 518 The Descendants of Phoenix and Qilin

Chapter 518 The Descendants of Phoenix and Qilin
"They are not as fast as me, and they are rushing here."

Dongfang Hanyu paused, trying to say something, but in the end he only sighed.

After a while, he said again: "Be careful, and return to Nether Villa as soon as the matter is finished. I have made great progress in developing the pill to cure the soul. I hope that in the Gathering Soul Grass..."

Having said that, he glanced at Tong Shiying, seeing her in a trance, as if she was in a daze, and didn't hear what he said, so he continued: "It's best for you to come back before the soul-gathering grass completely loses its effect. Don't miss the best treatment time."

Feng Feicheng nodded slightly, and only said two words: "Don't worry."

"Okay, I'm leaving."

After all, Dongfang Hanyu got up, and was about to walk away, but suddenly remembered something, and turned around: "By the way, 20 years ago, you asked me to check the origin of Huofengqi. I have already found some, and I heard that it is now Back to you, where is it, why didn't you see it?"

"It may break through in the near future, and it returned to the Youdu Jungle a few days ago."

Hearing this, Dongfang Hanyu was slightly stunned, as if a little surprised: "It is already a ninth-level beast, this it going to...?"


Feng Feicheng is not sure, but, more than 20 years ago, although Huofengqi was tamed, he didn't know what species it was, let alone its origin.

"What have you found?" he asked.

"I only found out that Huofengqi is probably the descendant of Phoenix and Qilin. It should come from the Yaozu, but the Yaozu has never appeared in the Spirit Continent. So far, no other information has been found."

Hearing this, Feng Feicheng didn't show the slightest surprise expression on his face, he just nodded slightly to show that he knew.

Seeing this, Dongfang Hanyu didn't stay any longer, turned around and walked out of the small courtyard.

It was as if Tong Shiying didn't hear the conversation between the two of them at all, and was immersed in her own thoughts.

However, just as Dongfang Hanyu walked away, she suddenly said "Ouch": "Ah Feng, I can't, I can't, my stomach hurts."

"what happened?"

Feng Feicheng's complexion changed, and he asked nervously: "Why does my stomach suddenly hurt, bear with it first, I'll call Han Yu back."


Tong Shiying looked in pain and wanted to hold back her laughter.

She held Feng Feicheng tightly and refused to let him go.

Feng Feicheng frowned, looked down at her, puzzled.

"It's just a stomachache, that needs a famous oriental doctor..."

Tong Shiying said with a smile: "It's okay, I'll go out and solve it, it will be fine."


Feng Feicheng understood in seconds, and couldn't help saying: "Go quickly."

So, Tong Shiying hurried out clutching her stomach.

However, as soon as she went out, there was no longer a trace of smile on her face, her figure flashed, she quickly jumped out from the high wall of the backyard, and intercepted Dongfang Hanyu from the side road.

"You are still here."

Dongfang Hanyu stood by the side of the road, as if waiting for her on purpose.

"Yes, he didn't tell me the truth, so I can only ask you."

Time is running out, and Tong Shiying doesn't beat around the bush: "What consequences will the Soul Gathering Grass bring to him?"

Since hearing the news, she has been thinking about it all over her head.

Dongfang Hanyu was silent for a moment, and told her truthfully: "It will come back."

Hearing this, Tong Shiying's face instantly turned pale.

She probably understood the word backlash.

"Is that... serious?"

Dongfang Hanyu nodded heavily: "Taking the Soul Gathering Grass is extremely detrimental to vitality. After being backlashed, the original damage will at least double. Therefore, I hope you can return to Nether Villa before the Soul Gathering Grass backfires."

(End of this chapter)

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