Chapter 519 Finding His Weakness

"I understand."

After asking what she wanted to know, Tong Shiying went back the same way.

Standing in the backyard, she waited until she had completely calmed down before turning around and preparing to go back.

As a result, as soon as he turned around, he was startled: "When did you... come?"

Feng Feicheng leaned lazily on a pillar, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, looking at her with a half-smile.

Tong Shiying's heart ached slightly, and then she felt a little guilty.

"That, I..."

"Is your stomach still hurting?"

She was about to explain, but Feng Feicheng interrupted her and walked towards her slowly.

Tong Shiying bit her lip and remained silent.

He must have known that he went to find Dongfang Hanyu.

But if this matter is not asked clearly, she will have trouble sleeping and eating.

"It's fine if it doesn't hurt."

Feng Feicheng didn't ask anything, and took her hand and walked to the front hall: "Let's eat first, and we will go to Mo Yewu later."

Tong Shiying was stunned for a moment, and immediately asked with a smile: "Afeng, have you agreed to cooperate with him?"


Feng Feicheng took her hand and changed it to hug her waist, his arms tightened slightly.

He couldn't make her worry anymore, so he chose to cooperate with Mo Yewu this time, hoping for a quick victory.


After the two of them finished their meal, before they left the house, Mo Yewu came over on his own initiative.

This time, he brought another person with him.

The man was also wearing a black hoodie, and a black cloth was wrapped around his face, revealing only a pair of green eyes.

"Who is he?"

As soon as she saw that person, Tong Shiying felt familiar, as if she had seen him somewhere.

"It's the weird man without facial features who kidnapped Xiaoyue in the Youdu jungle last time."

Feng Feicheng had fought against him at that time, so he recognized him at a glance.

"He is the person my father trusts the most."

Mo Yewu told them: "His name is Yin Biting."

Hearing this, Feng Feicheng glanced at him, his black eyes slightly deep: "Why doesn't he have a soul?"

The last time he fought against him, he noticed the weirdness of this person.

Mo Yewu was slightly surprised, can you see this?

"Young Master Feng is really powerful, you can tell at a glance that he has no soul."

Tong Shiying also found it incredible that a person can continue to live without a soul?

It's like modern people, if a person doesn't have a soul, wouldn't it be... Zombie or something? !
But the problem is, this person, he has thinking and can speak.

"Yin Chee used to have a soul, but he was chased and killed for some reason, and even his soul was not spared. At that time, my father happened to pass by, so he was rescued, but after he was rescued, only his soul remained. The next breath, but unexpectedly, the body is not dead, so my father used a secret technique of the demons to refine him, although he became a strange person, but finally saved his life."

Mo Yewu always answers every question, so that he can show his sincerity.

this is okay too?
Tong Shiying feels that this world is really a perverted wonder.

Feng Feicheng had heard of this kind of secret technique, but he didn't ask much, he didn't care about it, now, the most important thing is to discuss how to deal with Shangguan Jintian.

The three of them sat in the hall, and stood respectfully at the door.

Feng Feicheng asked: "What do you think, tell me."

"Shangguan Jin Tian's cultivation was already in the rank of emperor back then. After so many years, he has absorbed the souls of many people. His current cultivation is probably unfathomable."

Mo Yewu said: "We are not sure of his cultivation, so we can't confront him rashly. I think we can find one of his weaknesses and catch him by surprise."


Tong Shiying asked, "Then did you find it?"

(End of this chapter)

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