The Lady Falls from the Sky: The Enchanting Husband Is Addicted

Chapter 526 Chapter 542 He... doesn't care about the survival of the Shangguan family

Chapter 526 Chapter 542 He... doesn't care about the survival of the Shangguan family

"Good good."

Mo Yewu nodded again and again, he had been waiting for this moment for a long time, no matter what the reason for Feng Feicheng's advance, but now, they are the people of the united front.

"I'm going to gather my men right away."

Mo Yewu hurried out, and Yin Bi had already appeared. When he heard the movement, he rushed out of the room immediately, but when he saw that it was Feng Feicheng, he hid his figure again.

In half a quarter of an hour, Mo Yewu had assembled everyone.

Feng Feicheng stood in front of them, his sharp eyes swept over everyone.

Mo Yewu stood next to him and said: "This team, when my father was alive, was already the most united and disciplined army. Later, he escaped from the demon clan with Yin Bite, in order to save his life and one day be able to Returning to their homeland, they have never let up in the past few years. Under the leadership of Yin Yan, they have become a team with strict military discipline. Moreover, there is a tacit understanding between them, and each of them can be as good as a hundred. Solid as gold."

"very good."

Feng Feicheng gave orders indifferently: "Let's go."

A group of people, in the name of the young master of the Feng clan, attacked the Shangguan clan with great momentum.

They were very high-profile and did not hide anything. The big shocks along the way seemed to overthrow the entire Yinzhou City.

Everyone in Yinzhou City felt that this day was about to change!
The Phoenix Clan was wiped out overnight, and that incident caused a sensation in the entire Spirit Continent. There were some suspicions in the hearts of the major families, but due to the strength of the Shangguan Clan, no one dared to say more What.

And at this moment, Fengfei City released the news to crusade against the Shangguan clan, and in just a few hours, the intelligence networks of all the major clans received the news one after another.

However, likewise, no one stood up.

Everyone tacitly chose to wait and see.

The actions of the Shangguan family in recent years have already caused dissatisfaction among many families, but because of their strength, no one dared to speak out against them. Now, someone has finally come forward. Everyone seems to be quiet on the surface, but in fact they are very close pay attention to the development of things.

And here, Feng Feicheng and the others quickly arrived at the water area.

This time, he didn't have any scruples, and after spending a little time, he lifted the Shangguan clan's clan protection formation and restrictions.

He gave an order: "Attack!"

Suddenly, the sound of killing shook the sky.

The magic soldiers rushed in in an orderly manner.

It was late at night, and many people in the Shangguan clan had already rested.

Moreover, with their current status and reputation, they would never have thought that such a thing would happen.

Therefore, when the demon soldiers attacked, everyone in the Shangguan clan was still asleep except for the patrolling guards and the shadow guards in the dark.

In fact, the reason why the Shangguan clan is mysterious and powerful is because the later Shangguan Jintian suddenly became very strong, and what everyone feared was just a Shangguan Jintian. If the Shangguan clan lost Shangguan Jintian, It is not enough to be afraid.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the Shangguan clan to come out to fight, and more than half of them were killed or injured.

One of the elders was also killed by Mo Yewu.

Then, someone ordered to retreat, enter the main hall, and close the palace gate.

They made such a big commotion, Shangguan Jin Tian didn't show up, Feng Feicheng immediately concluded that he might not have returned to the Shangguan clan at all.

Suddenly thought of something, Feng Feicheng said in a deep voice: "No, I'll go in and have a look first."

It is impossible for Shangguan Jin Tian not to guess that he will enter the Shangguan clan soon, but he did not come back. This only shows that he...doesn't care about the survival of the Shangguan clan.

(End of this chapter)

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