The Lady Falls from the Sky: The Enchanting Husband Is Addicted

Chapter 527 A few old immortals guarding a few young immortals

Chapter 527 A few old immortals guarding a few young immortals
All he cared about was Mo Ziyi's body lying in the crystal coffin, that's all.

Therefore, tonight, even if they bloodbathed the Shangguan family, Shangguan Jin Tian would not appear.

So, where else could Mo Ziyi's body be in that palace?

"Everyone stand still for now, stay here and don't let the people inside escape, wait for me to come back and talk about it."

Feng Feicheng gave an order, flew out, and went straight to the palace.

Along the way, he did not hide himself, and the people of the Shangguan family only vaguely saw a figure passing by. They were already in a state of mental tension, but at this moment they were even more frightened. Guards protect.

Feng Feicheng didn't have time to pay attention to them, and quickly arrived at the gate of the palace, only to find that the formation and restrictions of the palace had been cancelled.

His heart tightened, and he opened the door and walked in.

The scene inside remained unchanged, the red curtain rustled, but there was no trace of magic inside.

You don't need to look to know that Shangguan Jintian has moved Mo Ziyi's body.

This time, Feng Feicheng was in vain and did not get Mo Ziyi's body, but the Shangguan family, Shangguan Jin Tian didn't care. In an instant, Fengfeicheng felt a trace of panic that had never been seen before.

He didn't know why Shangguan Jintian took Ying'er away, but if it fell into the hands of Shangguan Jintian and Mo Ziyi, two soul suckers, it wouldn't be...

Feng Feicheng suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, no, if he believed in his shadow, he would find a way to protect himself, delay him for some time, and wait for him to rescue her.

He didn't dare to imagine, what would happen to Ying'er if something happened to him?It might go mad, it might go on a killing spree...

None of these members of the Shangguan family are innocent. Over the years, they have been arrogant and arrogant enough.

Today, let's take them first.

Fengfei City opened the gate openly, allowing some of the demon soldiers guarding the outside to block the exit of the Shangguan family, and the rest went into the palace with him.

At this moment, all the members of the Shangguan clan gathered together, all in Mo Wei's palace.

And those elders also sit outside Mo Wei's palace, protecting the young masters and ladies of the Shangguan clan.

"Haha, it's really interesting for a few old immortals to protect a few young immortals."

Mo Yewu walked in front, swaggering, and what he said was too irritating.

Feng Feicheng didn't care about it, and he didn't care about it, he just stood aside from a distance, but the invisible oppressive feeling on his body made it impossible for everyone present to ignore it.

Especially that great elder.

Because, not long ago, they had just played against each other.

At that time, they had already severely injured him, but they couldn't figure out why he could recover so quickly and so thoroughly?

The Great Elder scolded angrily: "It was my mistake that I failed to kill you at the beginning, but now I have colluded with the Demon Race and turned against my own race."

"That's right, bah, what a disgrace to mankind."

The fifth child followed suit.

"Stop talking nonsense, just let your horses come here, today, the old man will definitely let you come, you can't go."

Feng Feicheng watched coldly, no matter what these old fellows said, they didn't bother to pay attention, he was still thinking about Tong Shiying in his heart, and kept searching in his head, what place Shangguan Jin Tian was most likely to go to.

(End of this chapter)

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