The Lady Falls from the Sky: The Enchanting Husband Is Addicted

Chapter 534 This Damn Is A Perverted Crazy Man

Chapter 534 This Damn Is A Perverted Crazy Man
"After so many years, I have searched all over the spirit continent, but I have not been able to find her soul. You are right. The only thing I can do is to guard her shell."

His story is very general and his tone is very indifferent, but Tong Shiying can hear the deep love and deep guilt between the lines of his words.

She didn't interrupt, just listened to him continue: "At the beginning, Ziyi's soul was eroded bit by bit by my devilish energy, although she broke her tendons in the end, but she finally escaped the tragedy of extinction.

After her death, the soul will not be complete again. Therefore, in these years, in addition to maintaining the original appearance of her body, I have also studied many secret techniques that can restore the soul. One of them is to find a soul that is similar to her. The person who attracts the soul, take it, and then combine with part of her soul. After the new life, although there may be some changes, it is still a usable method. "


Hearing this, Tong Shiying faintly heard a hint of information.

This old pervert, does he want her soul, not to feed Mo Ziyi's body, but to take part of it to make up for what Mo Ziyi lacks?

Is he crazy?

"Aren't you afraid that after combining me with her soul, she will disappear completely?"

Tong Shiying felt that it was extremely absurd, not to mention whether there is such a secret technique in the world, just say that if two completely different souls are combined, then the original two people will no longer exist.

"And you also said that my soul is very strong, are you not afraid that I will swallow her up?"

"Of course I have such scruples, so..."

Shangguan Jin Tian raised his head and took a quick look at Tong Shiying, a cold light flashed in his eyes: "I will injure your spirit first, but there is no hurry, I haven't found her spirit yet, there is still time."

Tong Shiying: "..."

The truth is out.

She was speechless!

This TM is a perverted lunatic.

After a while, neither of them spoke, and the stone room was completely quiet.

Tong Shiying closed her eyes, but her spirit never relaxed. She secretly tried to control the electric current in her body, and found that it was much faster than before. She thought that the drug should have almost faded away.

Shangguan Jin Tian was also sitting cross-legged beside Mo Ziyi, with a faint black energy lingering around him, and he also closed his eyes, as if he was cultivating, but his sense of presence was particularly strong.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes that seemed to be silent for thousands of years, and a stern coldness flashed in them. He stood up suddenly, his figure moved, and Tong Shiying appeared in front of him in the next second.

Tong Shiying was startled secretly, although she had been on guard for a long time, but her speed was not as fast as him, she felt her body tense, sadly, she was restrained by that invisible silk net again.

She glared at him, vulnerable, and once again she felt deeply that her life was threatened.

This feeling that my life is not under my control is really terrible.

"This deity really underestimated him, to find him here so quickly."

Shangguan Jin Tian opened the stone door, said with a sneer, "Let's go, let's deal with the Feng family kid first."

Ah Feng is here?

While Tong Shiying was excited, she couldn't help worrying. After all, Shangguan Jintian, a lunatic, is really powerful.

Shangguan Jin Tian picked her up and walked out of the stone room together.

Right in front of Shimen is the only way down the mountain, and the left and right sides, as well as the back, are cliffs.

A huge ancient tree, one of which has a thick branch extending to the cliffs on both sides.

Shangguan Jin Tian hung Tong Shiying on the branch extending from the cliff on the left.

(End of this chapter)

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