The Lady Falls from the Sky: The Enchanting Husband Is Addicted

Chapter 535 A new round of destruction is about to begin

Chapter 535 A new round of destruction is about to begin

The rope on her head was actually transformed by Shangguan Jin Tian's aura, it was very light, almost transparent, so it was difficult for ordinary people with a lower level of cultivation than him to detect it with the naked eye.

From a distance, the image of Tong Shi is standing in the air, her eyes are cold, her skirts are flying, and her hair is dancing with the wind. However, her hands and feet are combined, and she still cannot move.

Below him was a white mist, an invisible deep cliff, if he fell off, his death would definitely not be too pretty.

"This deity really saw the right person. He is not afraid in the face of danger. He is worthy of my Ziyi."

Shangguan Jin Tian sincerely praised him, but he never changed his face when he was volleyed on the cliff. It is really rare to be able to do this at such a young age.

The wind on the edge of the cliff was very strong, whizzing past Tong Shiying's ears, but she could hear what Shangguan Jin Tian said very clearly, but now, her eyes were always on the path that went down the mountain, which was the only way up the mountain. road.

Since Shangguan Jin Tian said just now that Afeng has been found, he will definitely appear from that intersection.

So, her eyes kept staring nervously.

But after waiting for a long time, she didn't see the person she was thinking of, and she didn't know whether it was disappointment or relief.

At this time, the branches of the ancient tree suddenly shook violently, and a white figure suddenly appeared.

Feng Feicheng appeared, his facial features were alluring, his femininity was even more than before, his whole body exuded a thin gleam, blood stained his white robe as white as dust, and his blood red eyes were sharp and cold.

At the first glance, he found Tong Shiying's position, and his heart tightened, feeling his breath rising to his throat.

"Ying'er, don't be afraid, I'll come to rescue you right away."

He rushed to the edge of the cliff at an unbelievable speed, and a strong wind suddenly hit his ear. He turned sideways and dodged over. In an instant, Shangguan Jin Tian's attacks came back.

"Feng be careful."

Tong Shiying looked at him nervously and excitedly, but she didn't notice that after her emotions were greatly fluctuated, her body was quietly changing again.

The silk net that binds her is obviously invisible, but this time, it becomes flickering, seemingly non-existent.

And here, Feng Feicheng was also unequivocal, avoiding this attack, and then, quickly congealed all the moves to bombard Shangguan Jin Tian.

Both of them left no room for murder.

And the light that shone from time to time seemed to prove that a new round of destruction was about to begin.

Feng Feicheng seemed to have some scruples, he tried to pull the battlefield away from Tong Shiying, Shangguan Jin Tian seemed to know his idea, and moved back bit by bit.

Soon, the battlefield became a mess again. The branches and dead vines of the old trees were cut and cut by the aura of the two, and there were many large pits on the ground, flying sand and rocks everywhere, and falling leaves all over the sky.

Except for the stone chamber, it is still intact.

And the branch that Tong Shiying was hanging on, although not yet broken, was already scarred and precarious.

During the fight between the two, the rope on Tong Shiying's body was also seriously affected.

Because it was condensed by Shangguan Jin Tian's spiritual energy, and at this moment, he was fighting with all his strength, and he could no longer distract himself from controlling that rope.

Feng Feicheng discovered this, his expression changed, his heart sank, and the attack in his hands slowed down involuntarily.

At such a critical juncture, a slight distraction is a fatal danger, and Feng Feicheng's hesitation for a second just ushered in Shangguan Jin Tian's huge move.

(End of this chapter)

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