Chapter 558 Master Yunhu 3
She gently put Feng Feicheng on a recliner, and then pulled her closer to the window, looking down from here, it happened to be facing the gate of Jutianxia.

At this time, many people had already gathered in the street downstairs, and the gate of Jutianxia was even more crowded.

Tong Shiying lowered her eyes and thought, later on, what should she do to meet Lord Yunhu in the first place without attracting attention?
In fact, these should have been planned in these two days, but her head has been groggy and lethargic in the past two days.

Moreover, the food at the inn became more and more unpalatable. In two days, she had already lost a lot of weight.

No, she was racking her brains, but before she could think of a perfect solution, someone shouted on the street: "Master Yunhu is here!"

Tong Shiying hurriedly looked around.

In the direction of the west city gate of the street, a group of royal guards rode into the city slowly on tall horses, and the people gathered on both sides of the street suddenly boiled.

Tong Shiying raised her eyebrows slightly: "It's finally here..."

The first thing that catches the eye is a large golden and white sedan chair carried by eight people. There are not many decorations on the sedan chair, but the white bottom of the golden and white sedan chair is woven with silver silk, and the golden pattern is woven with gold thread. Luxurious yet elegant.

There are white silk veils hanging around the sedan chair, but you can still vaguely see a man in white clothes reclining in a white fox room in the sedan chair. The breeze blows by, looming, noble and mysterious.

The expressions of excitement on everyone's faces were beyond words, but they all kept quiet. This situation is really incomparably weird.

At least, at this moment, Tong Shiying felt this way, she thought, maybe this Yunhu is more quiet, right?

That's why his "fans" were obviously very excited, but they tried their best to hold back.

Jiaozi walked forward unhurriedly, and here, at the gate of Jutianxia, ​​there were many people from the medicine hall bowing their heads and bowing down at the gate to greet her respectfully.

Tong Shiying couldn't help complaining, the scene was really big enough.

Soon, Jiaozi stopped, and four maids lifted up the white gauze on the car respectfully, and stepped forward to support her.

"Master Yunhu, we're here."


A single syllable, the voice is indifferent, without the slightest emotion.

A porcelain-white slender hand slowly stretched out, placed on the back of the hand of the bowed maid, and walked down.

Tong Shiying suddenly looked sideways.

His waist-length long hair was bundled into a bunch and casually draped behind his back. He was dressed in a moon-white robe, and in the golden sunlight, blowing slightly with the wind, he looked like a fairy in the moon, extremely luxurious and clear.

His brows and eyes swept around lightly, exuding a kind of indifference that did not belong to the world, which made everyone stop.

Cold, but not like that kind of coldness, but a kind of indifference, as if everything in the world can't attract his attention. It's a state of seeing the world from an outsider. There is no hint of obscenity.

His back was facing Tong Shiying, so Tong Shiying didn't see his face, but for no reason, an inexplicable sense of familiarity lingered.

She couldn't help wondering, what does this man look like, and why does it give her such a feeling?
Tong Shiying's eyes were a little more focused, but it wasn't enough to...

Yunhu suddenly turned his head casually and looked at her.

All living beings, why was he able to lock her in at a glance?
Tong Shiying was startled, only then did he realize that he was actually wearing a silver mask. Although he couldn't see his real face clearly, the pair of eyes behind the mask were as dark as a deep pool, with a deep sea-like blue, beautiful People can't take their eyes off.

It's just that there is a light of insight shining in those indifferent eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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