Chapter 559 Master Yunhu 4
Tong Shiying's surprise was quickly hidden for a moment, and she looked at him coldly, without too much emotion.

But her spirit was tense, because the aura of this Yunhu not only made her feel familiar, but also gave her a strong threat, very powerful, much stronger than Shangguan Jin Tian, ​​and felt that she was not at all a level.

After a while, Yunhu turned his head indifferently, lowered his head and said something to the maid beside him, and then walked into Jutianxia.

Tong Shiying saw that the maid came towards the teahouse where she was after receiving Yunhu's order, and immediately became vigilant in her heart, did she come to find her?
No way?
Does this cloud fox know something?
Tong Shiying was fully on guard, but a gentle female voice came from outside the door of the elegant room: "Girl, Master Yunhu invites you to go to Jutianxia."

Tong Shiying's expression remained unchanged, but her hand holding Feng Feicheng slightly tightened.

This may have certain risks, but it is also a good opportunity.

However, to be cautious, she still asked: "What if I don't go?"

"Girl, Master Yunhu said, if you don't go, you will regret it!"

The word has been transmitted, and the maid turned and left.

Tong Shiying frowned, what exactly does this mysterious man want to do?
Why does she always have the feeling of being seen through by him?

This feeling made her feel uneasy.

But for the sake of Ah Feng, as long as there is a glimmer of life, she will go without hesitation no matter how big the risk is.

After making up her mind, Tong Shiying carefully carried Fengfei City on her back again. Outside, the entrance of Jutianxia was already overcrowded. It might not be easy to enter through the main entrance at this time.

After thinking about it, she decided to use teleportation and go directly to Jutianxia's backyard.

This can also reduce exposure to more people, so as not to be missed by those who care.

When she was ready, she concentrated on mobilizing her thoughts, but found that she was a little powerless, and then tried a few more times before she could barely move into the backyard.

Appearing suddenly, it frightened several drug boys in the hospital.

Everyone stared at her with wide eyes.

"Hey, that, it was you Master Yunhu who said he wanted to see me."

Tong Shiying knew that her appearance was a bit weird, and she was carrying a man behind her back, so no one would think she was a good person by barging into someone's backyard, so she hurriedly explained.

Sure enough, after the name of Lord Yunhu was mentioned, the faces of the little drug boys immediately changed, and they greeted her with smiles, and took the initiative to lead her the way.

Soon, they came to a room.

The little drug boy stopped in his tracks: "Girl, Master Yunhu is inside."

After finishing speaking, he retreated respectfully.

At the door, Tong Shiying hesitated for a moment, Yunhu's cold voice came from inside: "Come in."

Tong Shiying pushed open the door and walked in.

This is a quiet room.

The furnishings in the quiet room are simple but not crude, expensive but not luxurious, and the layout is extremely elegant.

Tong Shiying finally saw this mysterious Lord Yunhu, but still couldn't see his appearance clearly.

Just because there is a purple tassel between him and her.

Through the tassels, she could only vaguely see a white-robed man sitting there with his back straight behind the curtain, his black hair flowing down his shoulders, and the silver mask still visible on his face.

Why do you always wear a mask and make it so mysterious? Could it be that you are ugly?Or very old?

Just based on the powerful aura exuding from him, Tong Shiying also knew that he could not be too young.

Sensing that Lord Yunhu was looking at her, Tong Shiying's face remained unchanged, trying to keep her expression as natural as possible, allowing him to look at her.

(End of this chapter)

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