Chapter 575 Investigate the news
"Tong Shiying, Jinnan Dynasty, play."

Tong Shiying's answer was concise and to the point, without a word of redundant nonsense.

Hearing this, the law enforcer glanced at her again, a strange color flashed in his eyes, but he didn't ask any more questions.

Although it felt a bit weird, I really couldn't see any aura fluctuations in this little girl. Apart from being a little prettier, she was similar to other ordinary girls, looking weak and weak.

Soon, the law enforcement officer registered and began to apply for a token for her.

I saw him take out a black sign, but it was still smooth, and the tokens that others had already made had their names engraved on them.

Tong Shiying originally thought that the name was carved with a blade or other tools, but it turned out that the enforcer actually used his index finger to volley on the smooth black card, swimming with his fingertips , "Tongshiying" three words slowly appeared.

It's just that it is written in an ancient Chinese language. Tong Shiying can't understand this kind of language, but she can still recognize her own name.

At first, she thought that this kind of token could be faked at will, but seeing such a weird way of portraying it, she couldn't guarantee it.

The law enforcer handed her the completed token: "Okay, you can go in."

Tong Shiying took it over, thanked her, and was about to get into the carriage, but the law enforcement officer said again: "Just go to the city by yourself, don't go in the carriage, since you are his employer, there is no need for him to go to the city. "

Tong Shiying frowned slightly, but still obeyed the enforcer, paid the middle-aged uncle his wages, and let him go back.

After the middle-aged uncle left, she walked into the city.

If it weren't for not knowing Bingcheng, Tong Shiying would have entered the city in the most direct way.

However, this city was different from other cities, and she didn't dare to take risks until she figured it out.

The city is more bustling than she imagined, and the street is also divided into two, one side sells the items needed by ordinary people, while the other side is naturally the items needed by cultivators.

This phenomenon of peaceful coexistence, probably, can only be controlled by Bingcheng.

Tong Shiying originally wanted to walk on the street of the cultivator, but law enforcement officers can be seen everywhere in the city. She didn't want to attract attention, so she had to choose an ordinary street in the end.

Along the way, Tong Shiying kept her eyes on the street opposite, where there were some secret methods, magic weapons, medicine pills and spirit herbs for sale.

She seemed to be strolling on the street, but she was secretly familiarizing herself with the surroundings. After wandering around for a while, she found a big inn and sat down in a corner of the lobby.

After ordering a few dishes, she ate slowly, but the purpose was that she wanted to hear some gossip.

But after a meal, I found that the people here didn't even gossip. There were many guests eating in the hall, but it was extremely quiet.

It was the first time for Tong Shiying to see this kind of situation, but considering the specialness of Bingcheng, she was not surprised.

Because as long as you enter the ice city, it means you have entered under the eyes of the city lord. Naturally, you should pay attention to your words and deeds.

Since she couldn't hear any information, Tong Shiying didn't waste any more time. She asked for a guest room and set up a defensive formation. Although she didn't dare to inquire blatantly, it didn't mean she couldn't use some special methods.

Tong Shiying called the waiter, and in the room, the prying eyes of the outside world were almost blocked. She hypnotized him. This is the fastest and most effective way, and when the time comes to erase his memory, it will not reveal his strength.

(End of this chapter)

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