Chapter 576 Buying and Selling News
Soon, I learned from the second child that there is a place in the ice city that sells news, as long as you can afford it, you can get any news.

There is such a weird deal?
However, in this case, it should be no problem to find out which mysterious doctor.

Where dare to sell news, there must be two brushes.

Tong Shiying erased Xiao Er's memory, and then told him to prepare some hot water, she wanted to take a bath.

When the waiter woke up, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes. He felt as if he had fallen asleep, but the customer had ordered him to prepare quickly, but he still felt a little baffled when he stepped out of the room.

The waiter in the shop prepared hot water, Tong Shiying finished washing quickly, and then went out.

Just now, I learned from the waiter in the shop that the place where the news is sold is in a small alley in the south of the city. There are two small lanterns hanging at the door. It is said that the lights of the lanterns turn into a faint blue at night, which is very strange. singular.

Tong Shiying is dressed casually, without any makeup on her delicate face. Although she is plain, she is still elegant and beautiful.

However, she walked low-key on the streets where people come and go, wandering around freely and watching, secretly looking for a place with a small lantern hanging in front of the door.

In such a strictly disciplined city, if someone sells news, will the city lord not know?
Of course it is impossible. In this case, the city lord must be aware of it, and even acquiesce!

Tong Shiying knew this well, but after all, she didn't know Bingcheng well. If she touched taboos, she would cause a lot of trouble. She was not afraid of anything, but Ah Feng's injury couldn't be delayed, so it's better to be careful.

South of the city.

Tong Shiying walked half a circle around the ice city, and finally came to the south.

But there are many streets in the south of the city, and there are dozens of small alleys. I don't know the exact location. This is really hard to find.

Along the way, she saw some law enforcement officers patrolling the city, and when she saw someone behaving strangely, she would step forward to inquire and check the token. If any problem was found, the serious one would be temporarily detained, and the minor one would be sent out of the city immediately.

In this way, it is like the 21st century, when the capital held a general meeting, it was strictly investigated.

Tong Shiying feels that the more this is the case, the more it shows that Bingcheng is weird.

Tong Shiying wandered around the streets in the south of the city, and finally found a place with a small lantern hanging at the door in a most inconspicuous alley.

She stood at the door for a while, making sure that there was no one around, and then stepped forward to knock on the door lightly.

It was a big man who opened the door. Seeing the little girl standing outside the door, he was slightly taken aback, and then asked, "What's the matter?"

Tong Shiying slightly frowned slightly, and said in a low voice: "I want to inquire about something, I wonder if your Excellency can make it easier for me?"

The big man squinted his eyes, looked at her for a long time before saying, "Come in!"

Tong Shiying walked into the gate with him. The courtyard is not big, but it is very delicate, and the environment is quiet and elegant.

They came to a pond, and an old man was sitting in the gazebo next to him, holding a fishing rod in his hand, fishing for fish in the pond.

"Old Su, we have a guest."

The big man stood aside respectfully and reported in a low voice.

The old man continued to fish without raising his head.

Tong Shiying waited quietly, neither took the initiative to speak, nor urged.

After the big man brought Tong Shiying, he left automatically.

After a while, the old man named Su shook the fishing rod in his hand slightly, and the fish was hooked!

He picked up the fishing rod, and sure enough, a big fish was hooked on the hook.

Then, without haste, he took down the fish and put it back in the pond, put away the fishing rod again, carefully put it aside, and then looked up at Tong Shiying.

(End of this chapter)

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