Chapter 587 Calm Days

After tidying up, Tong Shiying returned to the bedroom.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but she actually felt that as she walked into the room, the room became warmer, and the damp smell before disappeared, and the whole room was filled with a faint fragrance, just like her It's like what comes out of my body, and it smells very comfortable.

Tong Shiying's surprise was only for a moment, and then she thought that it might be the effect of the blue light, so she didn't feel strange.

It's just that she didn't expect that the effect of this blue light is far more than that. In the days to come, she discovered it bit by bit, and the surprises continued!

Tong Shiying boiled hot water, carried Feng Feicheng out of the phantom, and let him take a comfortable bath.

She talked a lot with Feng Feicheng, although she didn't know if he could hear her, but she kept talking, telling him everything that happened these days.

It's like two people chatting normally, the atmosphere is very warm, and there is no sense of disobedience.

After taking a shower, Tong Shiying changed him into a clean robe, carefully placed him on the big bed in the bedroom, then took off her dress, got into bed, hugged him, smelled the familiar fragrance of his body, I fell asleep contentedly.

She was already full of energy, but upon waking up, Tong Shiying only felt more energetic. Even in this icy and snowy environment, she still felt warm all over her body.

When getting up in the morning, the first thing to do is to freshen up Feng Feicheng, so that he can keep his body refreshed, so that even if he is unconscious, he will feel more comfortable.

In the bedroom, there was a simple reclining chair. After Tong Shiying cleaned him up, he moved him to the reclining chair, reclined on it as before, with delicate and picturesque facial features, but there was less evil and more serenity.

Tong Shiying secretly kissed his lips with a smile on his face.

Several days passed like this.

From the first day she came here, after having a meal with Bing Ji at the same table, Tong Shiying never saw her again, and Bing Ji never came to this fenced courtyard again.

It's as if, isolated from the world, apart from her and Feng Feicheng's aura, there is only this snow-white and cold sky left in the world.

As for Bing Ji, although she knew that she lived in the ice palace next to her, she didn't feel any popularity.

However, Tong Shiying didn't care about these things. What she was worried about was how to get Bing Ji to agree to save Afeng?

Fortunately, these days, Ah Feng's face has regained a trace of blood, and he is no longer so pale, and his spirit seems to have become stable, and there is no tendency to continue to burn, which reassures Tong Shiying a lot.

Although she doesn't know the reason, but as long as A Feng is not in danger for the time being, she will have time to find a way to make Bing Ji let go.

However, after several days in a row, Bing Ji did not make any movement, and Tong Shiying didn't think of any good solution for a while. In fact, the most important thing is that she knows too little about her, so she can't do anything. In addition, she has a weird personality. If you act rashly, you might lose your speed.

Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy can help you win a hundred battles.

Bing Ji is resolute, but she doesn't object to her living here. So, can she take advantage of this and build a good relationship with her first?

After much deliberation, Tong Shiying decided, lure!
Bing Ji was attracted by her food that night, at present, she can only use food, try again, and lure her out of the ice palace.

As soon as he spoke, Tong Shiying sent Feng Feicheng into the phantom, and then led him out of the small space.

(End of this chapter)

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