Chapter 588 You Are So Wise

The exit was still turning into a cliff. She just penetrated through a thin layer of membrane. From the outside, she suddenly popped out from the bottom of the cliff.

Fortunately, there is no one nearby, otherwise it will definitely attract attention and cause a lot of trouble.

Tong Shiying quickly left the woods and came to the gate of Bingcheng City.

It was still the same pattern, this time, she entered the city smoothly.

At first, I thought to find a restaurant and buy some ready-made special dishes, but then I thought, this is likely to be a protracted battle, so Tong Shiying turned around and went to the vegetable market.

Her craftsmanship is not the best in this continent, but it must be the freshest.

Believe Bing Ji, she must have never eaten it.

Therefore, Tong Shiying immediately decided to do it herself, so that it would not appear deliberate.

In a whole day, they almost swept away the agricultural and vegetable markets in Bingcheng, and filled the space ring with all kinds of ingredients.

These ingredients, even for three months, cannot be used up.

As for the space ring, the biggest advantage is that it can preserve the freshness of food. No matter how long it takes, as long as you put it in it, when you use it, it will always be the same as the one you just bought, even better than modern refrigerators.

Towards evening, Tong Shiying returned home with a full load.

Back in the small space, the sky has completely darkened. On the snow, under the moonlight, it is silvery white, hazy, exuding mysterious beauty.

Passing the gate of the Ice Palace, Tong Shiying paused for a few seconds, then walked towards the fenced courtyard.

Tonight, I'm going to be good at cooking and see if I can lure her out.

Tong Shiying walked into the yard, closed the door, and turned around: "Ah, why are you here?"

Under the eaves, Bing Ji wore a purple long skirt with trailing tails, three thousand white silk, untied, fluttering in the wind, and stood facing the wind with her bare feet.

Seeing Tong Shiying coming back, her face was cold and expressionless: "Well, where have you been?"

"I'm going out to buy something."

Tong Shiying replied, her starry eyes flickered, and she asked seemingly casually: "By the way, I haven't eaten yet, why don't we come together?"

Now that she took the initiative, Tong Shiying must not let go of this great opportunity.

Before Bing Ji replied, Tong Shiying immediately said: "I bought some vegetables and I'm going to cook by myself. If it's convenient for you, stay and try!"

As she spoke, she observed the changes in Bing Ji's expression.

In the end, I found that at the beginning, Bing Ji seemed to be about to refuse when she said that she was invited to be together, but when she said that she was going to cook by herself, Bing Ji's expression changed obviously.

Sure enough, the next moment, Bing Ji said one word very simply: "Okay."

A secret smile flashed in Tong Shiying's eyes. Fortunately, she didn't buy ready-made meals in the restaurant today, but bought ingredients.

This decision is simply too wise!
Tong Shiying went back to the bedroom first, and moved the recliner to the kitchen.

She intentionally wanted Bing Ji to meet A Feng first.

In the small kitchen, Bing Ji sat quietly at the side, watching Tong Shiying busy with this and that. Finally, she carried a man in white from the Phantom Lingyu, and put him on the reclining chair very carefully.

It was a man with an extremely outstanding appearance, with profound facial features, exquisite and unsurpassed, tall and straight, with black hair slanting down like a waterfall, even if he was in a coma, it was hard to hide his allure.

However, there is only a remnant soul left in his soul. At present, he has been forcibly trapped by a precious divine soul elixir, so that he can stay safely in his body.

(End of this chapter)

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