Chapter 603 Quick Look, UFO

It was a very ordinary-looking man, plain-looking, wearing a plain white gown, he stood at the door for a while, then slowly raised his head, and glanced at the hall, as if looking for any vacant seats.

His eyes quickly froze, and then he took a step and walked in.

The reason why such an ordinary man attracted Feng Xueqing's attention was because his eyes showed a hint of melancholy. Indescribable decadence and depression.

Involuntarily, Feng Xueqing put down the chopsticks in her hand, propped her chin with her hands, stared at him like this, approached him step by step, and finally sat down on an empty seat at the table next to her.

The man seemed to be immersed in his own thoughts, and he didn't notice Feng Xueqing's gaze. He went straight to the table and sat down. A shop waiter ran over immediately and asked with a smile: "Young master, would you like some food?" What?"

"A bowl of plain noodles."

The man's voice was ethereal and pleasant to hear, like clear and clean running water, slowly flowing in one's heart.

At the end, he added: "No meat oil."


The waiter agreed and left in a hurry.

Plain noodles, don't even eat oil?

Feng Xueqing felt a little strange, and stared at him for a while, and after a while, the waiter brought him the plain noodles he asked for.

"Your plain noodles are ready, son, please use it slowly."

"Thank you."

The man thanked him, picked up his chopsticks, and started to eat slowly.

The way he eats noodles is very refined, like an elegant young man, but it's a pity that his facial features are too ordinary, otherwise, this picture must be extremely eye-catching.

Suddenly, Feng Xueqing moved her beef noodles to his table and sat down beside him.

"Hi." She greeted.

The man raised his head as if he was half a beat behind before he could react, and glanced at Feng Xueqing. When most people see a woman as beautiful as Feng Xueqing, their expressions are not exaggerated, but they will definitely not be as calm as him. Just with a hint of confusion.

It seems that he doesn't understand, when will there be another person on his table?

The expression on his face was nothing more than that.

Feng Xueqing suddenly felt uncomfortable. Seeing him lower his head and start eating noodles again, she suddenly pointed out the window and shouted in his ear in surprise: "Look, flying saucer."

Hearing this, the man looked up at her again, maybe he didn't hear what she said clearly, so he asked, "What?"

"Flying saucer, flying saucer!"

Feng Xueqing said with an excited expression, then pointed out the window, beckoning him to go and see for himself.

This time the man understood, and looked in the direction of her finger.

Just now, taking advantage of the man's gaze away, she quickly put all the uneaten beef in her bowl into the man's bowl, and then she might feel that it was not enough, so she added the beef soup in her bowl, It was halfway in the man's plain noodle bowl.

Then quickly stir it with chopsticks a few times, and cover the beef tightly with plain noodles.

When the man looked back at her suspiciously, she had already lowered her head and started eating the noodles in her bowl in a serious manner.

The man looked at her for a while, probably after thinking about it for a long time, before finally asking her: "What did you show me just now?"

Feng Xueqing stuffed a mouthful of noodles, heard the words, replied inarticulately: "It's nothing, nothing, it's just my eyesight made a mistake, eat the noodles quickly, it won't taste good when it's cold."

(End of this chapter)

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