Chapter 604 She Broke My Seal

Hearing this, the man's eyes flickered slightly, his eyelashes slightly retracted, he didn't know what he was thinking, and he didn't know whether to believe it or not.

Seeing that he hadn't eaten the noodles in the bowl for a long time, Feng Xueqing felt a little anxious, and was about to speak when the man's voice sounded again.

"Flying saucer, what is it?"

"Uh...flying saucers are..."

Just as Feng Xueqing wanted to explain, she suddenly remembered that she had never seen a flying saucer, and finally asked: "Your mother, that is, mother, didn't tell you a bedtime story?"

"bed time story?"

The man shook his head, then asked curiously, "What kind of story is that?"

"It's not a story, but every night before I go to bed, my mother will tell a story to lull me to sleep. The flying saucer is what appeared in one of the stories my mother told me."

Following Feng Xueqing's explanation, for some reason, she suddenly felt that the melancholy in the man's eyes became more intense.

She found that although this man was very ordinary, his eyes were exceptionally beautiful, as if he could speak, and could bring her a trace of unexplainable emotions.

The man has been silent since she finished speaking. He didn't speak again, and he didn't know what he was thinking. He seemed a little absent-minded. Then, he picked up the chopsticks again...

Feng Xueqing stared at him nervously. At this moment, the prank factor was at work, and her heart had already begun to become excited.

I don't know why this man doesn't eat meat, but she added ingredients to the bowl of noodles he is eating now. Thinking about it, she felt so excited.

Sure enough, without any doubt, the man picked up a chopstick of noodles and put them into his mouth.

Perhaps it was because he had something on his mind right now, and he didn't put his eyes on the bowl, and it was even more unexpected that someone would put meat in his bowl.

So, when he finished his first bite, he took another chopstick and ate it without hesitation. However, this time, he seemed to have finally noticed something was wrong. After the noodles rolled around in his mouth, he suddenly spit them out. come out.

He spit it out on the table in front of him. It wasn't noodles at all, but a small piece of beef!

The man's face changed slightly, and he suddenly looked at Feng Xueqing, seeing her looking at him innocently with big moist eyes, at this moment, the expression on his face began to enrich.

Anger, shock, disbelief...

Seeing this, Feng Xueqing laughed unceremoniously, her smile was not as subtle as other girls, she smiled without beauty, even unscrupulous, finally, under his staring gaze walk away.

Immediately, her arrogant voice came from outside: "Idiot, remember to eat more meat in the future, bye!"

The man stared at the direction she left, and didn't recover for a long time.

Until, a black figure quietly appeared beside him, and whispered in his ear: "This subordinate, go and catch her back."

After all, the black shadow wanted to leave, but was stopped by the man: "No need."

After the man finished speaking, he stayed behind and quickly walked out of the restaurant. His footsteps were surprisingly fast, and within a few breaths, he walked out of the street full of people and came to a deserted alleyway.

Seemingly sensing something was wrong with him, the black shadow hurried forward and asked worriedly, "Master, what's wrong with you?"

The man only said a few words: "She broke my seal..."

As soon as the words fell, a white light flashed in front of my eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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